On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Volker Schroer <dl1...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Michael, thank you for the quick response.
> My question was a bit misleading. I don't want  to modify the library name
> but the version number.
> In the volk directory I found the correspondent entry
> set_target_properties(volk PROPERTIES SOVERSION ${LIBVER})
> in the gnuradio-runtime/lib/CMakeFile.txt
> Which command sets the version number to 0.0.0
> --Volker

volk/cmake/Modules/VolkVersion.cmake sets LIBVER. Two things:

a) It shouldn't be 0.0.0  at this point.
b) This is mostly the same file as gnuradio/cmake/Modules/GrVersion.cmake
but I cut out a version number because VOLK is a much smaller project than
GNU Radio and requires less version info.
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