> If you can put together a patch that gives us a bit of a boost here,
> that'd be great. But as you say, it doesn't look like this algorithm
> as it is will ever be fantastically fast. It was definitely meant more
> for hardware than this case.

My first attempt at integration sees a performance improvement from
1.6ms to <510us (roughly -68%) according gr-ctrlport-monitor (i.e., "avg
work time"). For this attempt I integrated the templates where the
existing class is merely a wrapper (header and code body example below)
thereby keeping the flavor of the original class interfaces, not to
mention a certain amount of laziness on my part.

Integrated but not tested is float. At least for the gr_complex case, my
application shows squiggles on the QT GUI Sink.

Oh, this is NOT C++11.


namespace gr {
  namespace filter {

    class FILTER_API dc_blocker_cc_impl : public dc_blocker_cc {


      dc_blocker_t<gr_complex> d_the_real_me;


       dc_blocker_cc_impl(int D, bool long_form);

      int group_delay();

      int work(int noutput_items,
               gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
               gr_vector_void_star &output_items);


  } /* namespace filter */
} /* namespace gr */

Code body:

    dc_blocker_cc_impl::dc_blocker_cc_impl( int D, bool long_form )
      : sync_block( "dc_blocker_cc",
                    io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
                    io_signature::make (1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),
        d_the_real_me( D, long_form ) {


    dc_blocker_cc_impl::~dc_blocker_cc_impl() {}

    dc_blocker_cc_impl::group_delay() {

      return d_the_real_me.group_delay();

    dc_blocker_cc_impl::work( int                        noutput_items,
                              gr_vector_const_void_star& input_items,
                              gr_vector_void_star&       output_items) {

      return d_the_real_me.work( noutput_items, 
                                 output_items );

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