Hi Nathan,
Just to clarify, I don't think that this challenge has audio frequencies only.
I'm 100% certain it only has audio frequency content -- since the the sampling rate of a stream of samples defines its maximum frequency, this file definitely can't contain anything above 24kHz, which is what I'd say is audio frequency content.
I suppose it's possible, and I hadn't considered that as I assumed that the 2400 bauds hint meant that it was an audio capture of a 2400 baud modem transferring a file.
Well, "baud" has, in a pure computer user context, probably most often been used with telephone line modems, but that's because it describes a property typical to modems. Read wikipedia on baud, and things will clear up.
In viewing the Waterfall or Spectrum analysis, the "hint" data is at a frequency outside of the main frequency.
I don't fully understand what you mean with "main frequency". But I guess you mean the energy on the lower frequencies.

I would guess this needs to be removed by a low pass filter that would remove any signal above a certain frequency?
Good guess, in my opinion ;)


On 28.07.2015 00:48, Nathan Coppersmith wrote:

Thank you for your input! Just to clarify, I don't think that this challenge has audio frequencies only. I suppose it's possible, and I hadn't considered that as I assumed that the 2400 bauds hint meant that it was an audio capture of a 2400 baud modem transferring a file. Considering that a modem transferring a file has to convert the digital signal to analog in order to traverse a phone line, if you were spying on someone and only had an audio clip of the transfer, you would need to demodulate the analog signal into the digital representation to extract the information contained within. There's another clue located in the EXIF data of the file pointing to the wikipedia article on modulation. (which I read)

In viewing the Waterfall or Spectrum analysis, the "hint" data is at a frequency outside of the main frequency. You can hear it as a sort of high pitched whine or squeal when listening to the audio. I would guess this needs to be removed by a low pass filter that would remove any signal above a certain frequency?

If I'm reading my spectrum analysis correctly, the "data" is in the frequency of 45Hz to 5kHz, with the embedded hint appearing at the 11kHz to 12kHz range.

I believe this to be an FSK modulated stream, the waveform data is consistent with what's shown on the wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-shift_keying as a modulated signal.

I'm reasonably (99%) certain this is a data stream as the way to solve it is to submit a string that starts with flag- I'm going to experiment with it some more. Thanks for the pointers!

On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Marcus Müller <marcus.muel...@ettus.com <mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com>> wrote:

    Hi Nathan,

    I will choose the option of helping to enhance the functionality
    of the Repeat block.
    We like that attitude here :)

    I have an .OGG file that sounds like a data transmission that
    needs to be demodulated.
    So that tells us your signal has audio frequency content only;
    whoever posted it was confident that vorbis coding doesn't harm
    decodability too much.
    For now, this won't tell you much, but for later on, when you've
    understood a bit about your signal: Read a bit about the ogg
    vorbis codec.

      A clue left behind in another challenge indicated that gnuradio
    with default blocks could be used to solve this one.
    Err well GNU Radio, at this time, contains decoders for different
    digital TV standards, satellite images, a lot of constellations
    (PSK, QAM), FSK, OFDM...
    But let's assume this means you won't need "higher order"
    modulations such as OFDM.

Not knowing anything about radio, or frequencies, or GNUradio,
    Not knowing about GNU Radio: not really a problem, something that
    you can learn by playing around.
    Not knowing about "frequencies" means you might be weak on the
    theory involved, and that can make things quite complicated.
    So, this is a hacking challenge, right? So what does a hacker do?
    He tries to understand the system at hand. GNU Radio's wiki has a
    page on SuggestedReading, I'd strongly encourage you to at least
    read through Micheal Ossman's DSP/SDR tutorials; otherwise, it
    will look to you as if GNU Radio was just a system to plumb
    together blocks, and that's not giving you the insight you need to
    understand your signal.

      I've been able to get file output from gnuradio, but I'm not
    doing it right as it's just jumbled data.

    After that, you might want to think about what you hear. Take a
    few notes. What's special about the sound you hear?

    Make yourself acquinted with the GNU Radio blocks that help
    analyzing stuff: they're under "Instrumentation/Qt".
    To make yourself more at ease with working with these, start by
    reading through chapters 1 and 2 of
    Chapter 3 will get really interesting, but you need to understand
    1 and 2 first.
    "Demodul me! 2400 bauds challange - Basic RZ with no preamble"
    Ha! It's awesome that you discovered that.
    Now, that means two things:
    1) you need to understand what "2400 bauds" means (ok, I guess I
    didn't need to tell you that), and
    2) you see that in a spectrogram. Which, assuming this challenge
    is not too hard, means that this text is not part of the actual
    data. Which implies that you can do something with parts of your
    spectrogram, right? What does that mean (this is basically asking
    you to /understand/ what a spectrogram shows you).

    Best regards,

    On 26.07.2015 23:05, Nathan Coppersmith wrote:
    Hey all, (long post)

    I'm trying to solve a cyber security challenge using GnuRadio, so
    I'm very new, and very lost. I've spent the last few days
    reading, playing, experimenting, and trying to decipher the data
    contained within, but I'm at a loss, so I'm turning to ask for
    specific help, as the interwebz has not provided a clear path to
    the solution.  I'm not looking for an outright answer, but rather
    an analytical process that could be applied via lateral thinking
    to other challenges later on. (teach me to fish, don't give me a
    fish outright)

    Here's what I know:  I have an .OGG file that sounds like a data
    transmission that needs to be demodulated.  A clue left behind in
    another challenge indicated that gnuradio with default blocks
    could be used to solve this one.  If you use a spectrum analyser
    (like sonic visualiser) and apply a spectrogram filter, you can
    see the following words embedded in the file: "Demodul me! 2400
    bauds challange - Basic RZ with no preamble". You can also see
    this in Gnuradio by converting the OGG to WAV and viewing a GUI
    Waterfall sink. (fyi challange is spelled that way in the file,
    not sure if it's a typo or a hint)

    Not knowing anything about radio, or frequencies, or GNUradio,
    how can I go about finding out what's inside this file?  I've
    been able to get file output from gnuradio, but I'm not doing it
    right as it's just jumbled data.  I've done significant reading
    on various modulation/demodulation schemes, but nothing seems to
    work the way I'm applying it.  It looks like the frequency is in
    the 400-650Hz range, but I don't think it's an RF signal, the
    embedded clue makes me think it's a packet stream from a dial-up
    modem.  Examining the waveform leads me to believe it's a
    frequency shift key type modulation.  I've tried to setup a flow
    in GRC of Wav File Source -> Throttle -> Float to Complex ->
    (various demodulators) -> Packet Decoder -> File Sink.

    I don't think I need to modulate the input first, as I believe
    it's the raw modulated sound to begin with. Not being versed in
    this area and feeling I've exhausted what's available via Google,
    I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  I'm
    attaching the OGG file I'm using as input after converting to wav
    because it's smaller and I can't seem to get GNUradio to take OGG
    as a file input for some reason. (hopefully that doesn't break a
    TOS I didn't see)

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