
Certainly a type. Since Maricus did not mention any hardware sink I was
just reminding him to add a throttle block if it is not there :)


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Marcus Müller <>

> Hi Bob,
> Sorry I have to contradict here: when working with hardware, you should
> generally *never* use a throttle block. Maybe that was just a typo in your
> mail?
> The reason is that the throttle blocks sole job is to call sleep functions
> for long enough to press the average rate of samples going through the
> throttle block is the set rate. Now, in a world where latency doesn't count
> and all clocks are identical, that's not a problem. However, in practice,
> this means that throttle might block for a relatively long time, when the
> numbers of samples it got in one work iteration are large. In the meantime,
> the downstream hardware might have run dry on samples, even if the throttle
> rate is higher than the sink's sampling rate!
> Also, with rates produced by your computer's clock and the oscillator of a
> hardware sink, one has to be a little faster than the other, which leads to
> under or overflow problems sooner or later.
> However, in the pure simulation case, I agree, you should add a throttle
> and see whether it helps.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> Am 30. Juli 2015 07:10:13 MESZ, schrieb bob wole <>:
>> Maricus,
>> Does your flowgraph involves aany hardware sink e.g USRP, audio ? If try
>> adding a throttle if you are not already doing it.
>> --
>> Bob
>>> Hi Marius,
>>> good question!
>>> Now, typically, you'd use tools like valgrind to figure that out. I
>>> haven't noticed a memory leak in GNU Radio itself, but it's absolutely
>>> possible that something like PMTs do not get freed etc, and we didn't
>>> notice how this could happen.
>>> If you need additional things to look for:
>>> * do you have something like a vector that stores e.g. messages that
>>> come in?
>>> * what's the failure mode of your application? Is it killed by the
>>> Out-of-Memory killer, or do you get into a situation where it crashes
>>> because of e.g. stack overflow?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 29.07.2015 15:57, Marius Cachelin wrote:
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > I am writing because I have some misunderstood concerning how memory
>>> > is used in GNURadio.
>>> >
>>> > I developed a transmitter which can be split into 5 parts :
>>> >    - MAC Encoder : read PDU data from TUNTAP
>>> >    - HEADER Prefixer : add header before each PDU Data
>>> >    - PREAMBLE prefixer : add preamble before each PDU Data
>>> >    - MODULATOR : Performing BPSK/QPSK
>>> >    - FIR Interp : Pulse shape
>>> >
>>> > My question is : when I run my transmitter, I can see in HTOP that the
>>> > memory (%MEM) used by my transmitter increase. The increasing is
>>> > relatively slow, but the is an issue because I can't keep using my
>>> > transmitter after a while.
>>> >
>>> > I have checked all my blocks. All memory allocations are freed, and
>>> > all my objetcs (new...) are deleted.
>>> >
>>> > So, how the memory can increase if I do not allocate extra memory and
>>> > free all memory?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks you in advance.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > *CACHELIN Marius*
>>> > /Ing?nieur Syst?mes, R?seaux et T?l?communications/
>>> > <
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