
I am trying to get a simple packet radio GRC working but so far have had no 
luck with the following scheme:

tcp-source (port 9000) -> packet encoder -> gmsk mod -> gmsk demod -> packet 
decoder -> tcp-sink (port 9001)

If I remove the encoder/decoder and the gmsk mod/demod and go directly between 
the ports, then I am able to clearly see everything (I am using two terminals, 
one for tcp source and one for tcp sink).  If I add back in the gmsk mod/demod 
I see stuff in my other terminal window (although it is garbled).  Once I add 
the packet encoder nothing gets through again.

I've been trying to follow some examples of this done in the past, but they 
were with much older versions of GNU radio and some of them used GR-extras 
which is no longer supported in GnuRadio 3.7.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Priyank Patel

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