Hi Mostafa,
having read the feature sheet of QXDM, it says it can analyze the
strength of specific preambles, and configure Qualcom chipsets; I really
don't see how this matches up very well with what SDR is in the context
of GNU Radio. It really seems more like a statistical/administration
tool than a radio interface.

However, if you have experience with the protocols and interfaces that
QXDM is based upon, obviously, GNU Radio can only profit from having
interfaces to more hardware :) so go wild and write something that makes
GNU Radio talk to Qualcomm chipsets! Be very aware, however, that
Android is very strict with giving applications access to raw hardware,
so this might not be something that the average user might ever run on
his/her handset.

Best regards,

On 24.08.2015 21:20, Mostafa Alizadeh wrote:
> Thank you for your response. I don't want to discuss something here
> that are out of scope of GNURadio, however, I found some useful
> Qualcomm drivers (software) such as: "QXDM" which make it possible to
> analyze (I really thing everything is possible) different signals
> (from GSM to LTE or 4G).
> For information see [1] and the attachment .
> any idea?
> Best,
> Mostafa
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualcomm 
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Marcus Müller
> <marcus.muel...@ettus.com <mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Mostafa,
>>     To be specific, is it possible to, for instance, use mobile (or
>>     tablet) hardware to capture or send signals with GNURadio on it
>>     (instead of using an external USRP)?  
>     no, mobile phones don't have "raw" sample access to their radio
>     chips, since these were generally not designed to do that.
>     Best regards,
>     Marcus
>     On 08/24/2015 09:37 AM, Mostafa Alizadeh wrote:
>>     Hi 
>>     I'm looking for "GNURadio on android" applications. I mean what
>>     kind stuffs already can I do with GNURadio on android? I have not
>>     tried the process of making GNURadio on a mobile device since I
>>     don't know what's its application.
>>     To be specific, is it possible to, for instance, use mobile (or
>>     tablet) hardware to capture or send signals with GNURadio on it
>>     (instead of using an external USRP)?  
>>     Thanks in advance for any clarification,
>>     Mostafa
>>     -- 
>>     ***********************************************************
>>     Department of Electrical Engineering
>>     Aboureyhan Building
>>     MMWCL LAB
>>     Amirkabir University Of Technology
>>     Tehran
>>     IRAN
>>     Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730
>>     LAB: http://ele.aut.ac.ir/~mmwcl/?page_id=411
>>     <http://ele.aut.ac.ir/%7Emmwcl/?page_id=411>
>>     Homepage: http://ele.aut.ac.ir/~alizadeh/
>>     <http://ele.aut.ac.ir/%7Ealizadeh/>
>>     ***********************************************************
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> -- 
> ***********************************************************
> Department of Electrical Engineering
> Aboureyhan Building
> Amirkabir University Of Technology
> Tehran
> Tel: +98 (919) 158-7730
> LAB: http://ele.aut.ac.ir/~mmwcl/?page_id=411
> <http://ele.aut.ac.ir/%7Emmwcl/?page_id=411>
> Homepage: http://ele.aut.ac.ir/~alizadeh/
> <http://ele.aut.ac.ir/%7Ealizadeh/>
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