Hey Michael, Hey Kevin, Hey all,

thanks for your help!
I found that by specifying the python version I want to use when running the 
file, everything works fine. Like this:

python2.7 if_else_mod.py 

This would be acceptable for me, however, I decided to do some of the stuff you 
suggested. I get the following output when running env:

Patricks-iMac:~ patrick$ env

I see that I only have a PATH variable set, but no PYTHONPATH. And 
/opt/local/bin seems to be the first in place?! With

Patricks-iMac:bin patrick$ pwd
Patricks-iMac:bin patrick$ ./py
pydoc             python            python2.6-config  pythonw
pydoc2.6          python-config     python2.7         pythonw2.6
pydoc2.7          python2.6         python2.7-config  pythonw2.7

I see that I have even more python installs. Now I ran

Patricks-iMac:bin patrick$ which python
Patricks-iMac:bin patrick$ port select --list python
Available versions for python:
        none (active)

So terminal normally would run "python" (didn’t look up the version). And 
All this is what comes out of a clean OS X 10.9 install with an update to 10.10 
and then a GNURadio install via MacPorts. Didn’t try yet to change one of the 
env variables or use the 'sudo port select python python27‘ command. What would 
your suggestions now be? What I don’t understand is why I have to tell MacPorts 
to use python2.7, if in fact I want to tell that to my terminal?

Thanks & Regards

> Am 08.09.2015 um 03:04 schrieb Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>:
> Hi Patrick - So what's happening is that with GRC, because it was
> installed via MacPorts the MP version of Python is used. The terminal
> only knows what you tell it via environment variables such as PYTHONPATH
> (already suggested by Kevin Hofschröer) and PATH. In your case right
> now, I'll bet that the PATH contains /usr/bin before /opt/local/bin (if
> the latter is listed at all). If you do "which python", you'll see what
> your shell is executing when you type "python" (again, better
> /usr/bin/python [2.7 something]). Even if you add /opt/local/bin at the
> start of PATH, you might still need to tell MP to select the version of
> Python you want to use when you type "python" in the shell. You can list
> the options port has via "port select --list python", and then select
> Python 2.7 via "sudo port select python python27" if it not already
> active. Combining this with making sure /opt/local/bin comes first in
> PATH should solve your issue. Hope this helps! - MLD
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015, at 12:29 PM, Patrick Krämer wrote:
>> I installed GNURadio on a fresh machine with Mac OS X 10.10.5 via
>> MacPorts. I now have 2 Python installs in /usr/bin, python2.6 and
>> python2.7. Running flowgraphs with GRC is no problem. However, when
>> trying to run a .py-file from the terminal, as suggested in the guided
>> tutorial 3.1 („if else“) some modules are not found:
>> Patricks-iMac:work patrick$ python if_else_mod.py Traceback (most
>> recent call last):  File "if_else_mod.py", line 18, in <module>
>> from PyQt4 import Qt ImportError: No module named PyQt4
>> Why does it work, when running the file from GRC? Is my terminal using
>> the wrong python install? How could I change that? I also tried
>> changing the path variable on my notebook a few days ago, when I ran
>> into the same problem. But since I am new to python and the command
>> line I obviously made a mistake so that at some point I could not
>> start the GRC anymore. So your help is appreciated and needed.
>> Couldn’t find a similar question in the archives.
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