Hi Francisco - I'm not sure we can definitely say how many people helped
out; we sort of ebbed and flowed as necessary to make it work. There
were another 2-6 of us meeting weekly (and emailing regularly) for
organizational purposes; some more often than others. We had 15-20
volunteers to help with registration, setup, posters, booths, etc...
Some of the sponsors (e.g., Ettus & DRS) helped out in various ways that
were not required of them, sort of as volunteers. Then there were the
caterers & venue folks, and the sponsors had their own helpers internal
to each's respective company. So, just guessing from the above numbers
I'd say something like 30-35 people had their hands in making sure
GRCon15 came off smoothly. Hope this helps! - MLD

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015, at 07:05 PM, Francisco Albani wrote:
> I'm curious about how many people assisted to the all the annual
> conferences, specially to the last one. And maybe there are more
> interesting statistics to know.
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