On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:03 PM, Richard Bell <richard.be...@gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> I would like to see how agc_ff is implemented, but there is some gnuradio
> magic going on that's beyond me. The agc_ff_impl.cc in analog/lib doesn't
> do anything but call scaleN. How do I find the actual implementation code
> for this block? I see a kernel::agc_ff(paramters) call in the
> initialization list, but I'm not sure what happens there.
> Thanks,
> Rich

Take a look in the constructor. Notice that it's inheriting from two
classes: sync_block and kernel::agc_ff. So you have to find where
gr::analog::kernel::agc_ff is created. The naming is a bit confusing since
we have agc kernels and agc blocks, and there is an agc_ff.h file there,
but that's not the right one. Instead, look at

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