Hrrrm, I was pretty-sure that I'd made that update some time ago. 

I'll have to check my master copy when I get home. 

On 2015-09-22 11:08, Peter Mathys wrote: 

> As noted elsewhere the failure to find libzmq1-dev is expected (what is 
> needed is libzmq-dev) and does not affect the outcome of the installation. 
> However, the UHD installation most likely fails because of the switch from 
> the cheetah to the mako template engine which has not (yet?) made its way 
> into the build-gnuradio script. Install the mako template engine using
> sudo apt-get install python-mako
> Then run the build-gnuradio script again (perhaps with the -v option).
> -Peter-
> On 9/22/2015 6:25 AM, Mike Gilmer wrote:
> I've gotten further along but it still failed. Here's the output 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Failed to find package 'libzmq1-dev' 
> in known package repositories <-- I noted this in my previous post SOME 
> THINGS MAY NOT BUILD AS A RESULT Checking for package libzmq Checking for 
> package libzmq-dev Checking for package python-requests Done checking 
> packages Checking for library libusb ...Found library libusb Checking for 
> library libboost ...Found library libboost Checking for library libcppunit 
> ...Found library libcppunit Checking for library libfftw ...Found library 
> libfftw Checking for library libgsl ...Found library libgsl Done This script 
> will fetch Gnu Radio version 3.7/maint from the repositories, along with 
> compatible extras. Is this OK?y Fetching various packages (Gnu Radio, UHD, 
> gr-osmosdr, gr-iqbal, etc) via the Internet =======> THIS MAY TAKE QUITE SOME 
> TIME <========= Fetching Gnu Radio via GIT...Done Fetching UHD via 
> GIT...Fetching rtl-sdr (rtl-sdr, gr-osmosdr,
gr-iqbal, hackrf, bladeRF and airspy) via GIT Done Starting function uhd_build 
at: Tue Sep 22 00:10:59 EDT 2015 Building UHD... =============> THIS WILL TAKE 
SOME TIME <============= UHD build apparently failed Exiting UHD build 
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Again, I appreciate the help! -Mike On 
Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Mike Gilmer <> wrote: I'm 
running 14.04 and yes I have Internet access (that was part of the 
aforementioned "drama") I ran the update/upgrade and reran the script and now 
things are "different" This seems like it may take a while. I'll report back 
when it's done. Hmm.. so far one error - it couldn't find libzmq1-dev; I don't 
know what that'll mean Thanks! Mike On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 11:27 PM, James 
Humphries <> wrote: Hi Mike, Did you update your 
package manager? Usually helps when I get errors. sudo apt-get update && sudo 
apt-get upgrade Also, make sure build-essential is installed (Do this after 
and upgrade). sudo apt-get install build-essential -Trip On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 
at 11:13 PM, Mike Gilmer <> wrote: All, I recently asked 
the list some questions about getting GNU Radio up and running on a Windows 
machine (using cygwin). It became obvious there would be a lot of hurdles, for 
which the community would not be able to offer much help. So... I have 
installed Ubuntu on a PC ( in a dual boot configuration with Win7 ) <-- this is 
its own drama LOL I tried to follow the "Installing GNU Radio step(s) outlined 
on [1] 
using the script via wget [2] && 
chmod a+x ./build-gnuradio && ./build-gnuradio and I get a bunch of errors : 
Checking for package libfontconfig1-dev Failed to find package 
'libfontconfig1-dev' in known package repositories SOME THINGS MAY NOT BUILD AS 
A RESULT Checking for package libxrender-dev Failed to find package 
'libxrender-dev' in
known package repositories SOME THINGS MAY NOT BUILD AS A RESULT However, the 
descruiption etc.. It appears that a major step is missing or broken. Can 
someone help me on this? Thanks! Mike 
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