Hello all,

I've been trying to modify the chat app tutorial into a system that can
utilize USRPs and an acknowledgement system. The acknowledgement system
works so far, the RX just sends a pdu back to the TX side saying that it
received the message. I am now trying to implement the USRPs to have an
over the air system, instead of just using one computer and simulating the

My grc files are on github, https://github.com/loganwashbourne/Logan.git.
The modified Chat Receiver and Chat Sanitizer blocks are on the github as

My question is, do I need to treat a burst communication system different
than a continuous system? My problem is that on each side I am getting O's
whenever I start the program, I have tried increasing and decreasing the
sampling rate, and I didn't see any change to the output.

I am using the USRP1's, with the RFX2400 daughter boards.

If anyone has any ideas or avenues for me to look into it would be much

Logan Washbourne
Electrical Engineering Graduate Student
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