I have made some progress, though I am having problems with running the
gr-template app on my Android device, a Nexus 6 running Android version 5.1
and API level 22.

Although, now that I think about it, there's no reason to SWIG gr-grand.
>> You'll never use that in Python on Android; we only use the c++ library
>> out, and specifically the static libgnuradio-grand.a library.
>> Maybe try adding the flag -DENABLE_PYTHON=False to the cmake line?
> ENABLE_PYTHON is not an available option, and there is no option to
> disable Python or SWIG (the cmake user settable variables can be listed
> using -LAH).
I was able to get CMake to disable SWIG by adding
-DSWIG_DIR=SWIG_DIR-NOTFOUND this will cause CMake to fail to find SWIG and
disable it.

With this I was able to successfully build GNU Radio for Android on OS X.

To summarize what I had to do to build GNU Radio for Android on OS X:
- When building boost add toolset=gcc-android as an option. I did this for
both stage and install, though I am not sure if this is necessary for
- I changed -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python to
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/local/bin/python so the correct Python version is
used. This is /opt/local/bin/python for MacPorts. UHD also needs Cheetah to
be installed to build it.
- When configuring gr-grand I disabled SWIG to fix problems with Python by
- I added the -DENABLE_AIRSPY=False -DENABLE_PYTHON=False options when
configuring gr-osmosdr to disable Airspy and SWIG.

I am able to build the GrTemplate example, but when running it gets stuck
when calling FgStart() on a Nexus 6 running. This causes problems with

This covers my problems with Ubuntu, though I have not done any more work
with this since I was able to successfully build GNU Radio for Android on

> The real problem here is that android-toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/
> is empty and not symlinked to the tools in android-toolchain/bin/ like it
> normally is. I have tried rebuilding the toolchain multiple times, but it
> is not making the symlinks. I just copied the symlinks from OS X and it
> works on Ubuntu 14.04 (tested for FFTW).
I also had a similar problem when running ndk-build for libusb. I just
symlinked android-toolchain/bin/arm-arm-linux-androideabi-ld.gold to ld
 with android-toolchain/bin in the path, and was able to build libusb

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:01 AM, Tom Rondeau <t...@trondeau.com> wrote:

> Hey Schuyler,
> Any progress on your side of things? I've been busy with other aspects of
> the project and haven't been able to get back to this. However, I just
> picked up a new Android device, so I'm going to try to start from scratch
> with that and a VM to walk through the instructions and see what might need
> tuning or fixing. I'm on the road the next two weeks, but hope I can get
> this done when I'm settled for a bit in Dublin the week after next.
> Tom
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Schuyler St. Leger <
> schuyler.st.le...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Although, now that I think about it, there's no reason to SWIG gr-grand.
>>> You'll never use that in Python on Android; we only use the c++ library
>>> out, and specifically the static libgnuradio-grand.a library.
>>> Maybe try adding the flag -DENABLE_PYTHON=False to the cmake line?
>> ENABLE_PYTHON is not an available option, and there is no option to
>> disable Python or SWIG (the cmake user settable variables can be listed
>> using -LAH).
>> Are you sure you want armv7-m? Most of what we're using is armv7-a. But
>>> you might just try "armv7" instead to use a more generic v7 architecture.
>>> Take a look at the gcc man page for a list of supported machines. This
>>> might be something you'll need to play around with.
>> I made a mistake in copying the error, here is the correct error.
>> Assembler messages:
>> Fatal error: invalid -march= option: `armv7-a'
>> I was able to get Boost to build. The problem is that when
>> arm-linux-androideabi-g++ calls the assembler it looks in the path for as the
>> problem with this is that the assembler for Android is named
>> arm-linux-androideabi-as . To fix this I symlinked
>> arm-linux-androideabi-as to as and android-toolchain/bin needs to be in
>> your path (it should be from setting up the android toolchain). However
>> this must be done after running bootstrap.sh or Boost will fail to build
>> Boost.Build. Running hash -r may be required to get bash to find the
>> correct assembler.
>> The real problem here is that
>> android-toolchain/arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ is empty and not symlinked to
>> the tools in android-toolchain/bin/ like it normally is. I have tried
>> rebuilding the toolchain multiple times, but it is not making the symlinks.
>> I just copied the symlinks from OS X and it works on Ubuntu 14.04 (tested
>> for FFTW).
>> Yeah, when this is right, you should see 'yes' for 32-bit and arm.
>> That is what I got when using OS X with Boost and specifying
>> toolset=gcc-android .
>> How hard would it be to get fosphor working on Android?
>> Schuyler, there might have been a change in something in Android (they
>>> really don't care about changing things between versions) when building the
>>> standalone SDK. Take a look at the options you passed when building that
>>> part of the project. Also, make sure you are using GCC 4.8 and NOT 4.9. We
>>> have other issues with 4.9.
>> I am using GCC 4.8.
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