Hello Przemek,

after downloading, you'll have load the firmware onto the device; that
usually happens automatically after a power cycle. Did you remove the
USRP from power before trying to use it again? I'm asking because I
don't see the FPGA loading sequence in your output.

Regarding the version mismatch: that should be ok, UHD 3.10. uses the
3.9 image compatibility.

Best regards,

On 14.10.2015 22:28, Przemek Lewandowski wrote:
> Hello
> My situation is:
> I had previously version of GnuRadio from June. Everything worked
> fine. Today I need to update my software due to patch for
> multiply_matrix_cc, and I had small problem with Pybomb due to Python
> Miko that wasnt exist. Ok I installed it. But befor that I searched
> solution and uninstalled nearly everything. And after that I had
> installed newest version of GNURadio from repository and newest
> version of UHD. Now everything is nearly working, buuuut when I want
> to send my old files to B210 I have this error:
>     *Generating: "/home/przelew/Moje/top_block.py"*
>     *
>     *
>     *Executing: '/usr/bin/python2 -u /home/przelew/Moje/top_block.py'*
>     *
>     *
>     *linux; GNU C++ version 4.8.4; Boost_105400;
>     UHD_003.010.git-38-gc77ffb3e*
>     *
>     *
>     *Traceback (most recent call last):*
>     *  File "/home/przelew/Moje/top_block.py", line 260, in <module>*
>     *    main()*
>     *  File "/home/przelew/Moje/top_block.py", line 248, in main*
>     *    tb = top_block_cls()*
>     *  File "/home/przelew/Moje/top_block.py", line 75, in __init__*
>     *    channels=range(1),*
>     *  File
> "/home/przelew/target/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/uhd/__init__.py",
>     line 122, in constructor_interceptor*
>     *    return old_constructor(*args)*
>     *  File
> "/home/przelew/target/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/uhd/uhd_swig.py",
>     line 2034, in make*
>     *    return _uhd_swig.usrp_sink_make(*args)*
>     *RuntimeError: RuntimeError: Expected firmware compatibility
>     number 8.0, but got 7.0:*
>     *The firmware build is not compatible with the host code build.*
>     *Please run:*
>     *
>     *
>     * "/home/przelew/target/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py"*
> And yes, I run python script 3 times, and it replaced images
> properly.... Information should be somewhere else about firmware. OR I
> have   UHD_003.010  and python scipt downloaded wrong version :) here
> is the output from python script:
>     *przelew@przelew-Lenovo:~/target$ python
>     /home/przelew/target/lib/uhd/utils/uhd_images_downloader.py*
>     *Images destination:      /home/przelew/target/share/uhd/images*
>     *Downloading images from:
>     http://files.ettus.com/binaries/images/uhd-images_003.009.001-release.zip*
>     *Downloading images to:  
>     /tmp/tmpq04WZA/uhd-images_003.009.001-release.zip*
>     *24703 kB / 24703 kB (100%)*
>     *
>     *
>     *Images successfully installed to:
>     /home/przelew/target/share/uhd/images*
> Thank You for any advice :)
> Przemek Lewandowski
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