Thank you for the reply...
flat_fader_impl.h file is in lib....
I am not getting where i did mistake.
Thanks again for your time.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Gisle Vanem <> wrote:

> when  i am running QA test for a new module named "channels_w_tags"  there
>> is this error
>> *undefined symbol: _ZN2gr15channels_w_tags15flat_fader_implC1Ejfbfi*
> cp-demangle.exe _ZN2gr15channels_w_tags15flat_fader_implC1Ejfbfi reports:
> gr::channels_w_tags::flat_fader_impl::flat_fader_impl(unsigned, float,
> bool, float, int)
> Does that give you a clue? Look in any .map-file to see if it's
> imported. If not, add the needed lib.
> I don't find any 'channels_w_tags' symbol here, so it's your call.
> --
> --gv
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