OK, I was dumb enough to do upgrades to my Ubuntu 15.1. I had UHD and grc
running nicely, with B200, and suddenly, after update, :

djl@CRUNCHER4:~$ grc -s
Generic Colouriser 1.9
grc [options] command [args]
-e --stderr    redirect stderr. If this option is selected,
               do not automatically redirect stdout
-s --stdout    redirect stdout, even if -e is selected
-c name --config=name    use name as configuration file for grcat
--colour=word  word is one of: on, off, auto

NOW WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
Lucky is he who has been able to understand the causes of things.
"Noli sinere nothos te opprimere"

Dr. Don Latham, AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLC, 17850 Six Mile Road
Huson, MT, 59846
mailing address:  POBox 404
Frenchtown MT 59834-0404

VOX 406-626-4304
CEL 406-241-5093
Skype: buffler2

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