On Sun, 2016-03-06 at 16:33 -0500, West, Nathan wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 4:08 PM, Andy Walls
> <a...@silverblocksystems.net> wrote:

>         4. Create volk kernels to replace the main operations in the
>         work()
>         functions of these blocks, if you can.  Since adding a
>         constant is so
>         simple, and ORC is very good about optimizing simple things,
>         the volk
>         implementations should include an ORC implementation if
>         possible.  Odds
>         are the ORC implementation will beat hand-written SIMD
>         versions for x86
>         processors.  Use volk_profile to prove my guess about ORC
>         right or
>         wrong. :)
> I disagree to that point that the next time ORC makes me sad I'm going
> to rage-delete it from ORC (kidding).


>  It's an OK starting point for some kernels, but comes with it's own
> learning curve on top of everything else in VOLK.

Yes, very true.


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