On 03/12/2016 05:45 AM, Mabel Pita wrote:
> However, i am having trouble to find an IDE that even comes close to
> what visual studio has to offer.. and the practicality it has in windows
> to debug applicatons.
> So i ask here, because im probably too ignorant and there is an
> equivalente tool in linux that does this job.

Eclipse is quite popular, although I haven't used it in a long time.
QTCreator actually has great gdb support and looks really nice, too. If
I need a lot of windows (e.g. for watches), that's my choice.
Kdevelop also has debug integration. And many others probably do, too.

You'll still find people using gdb from the command line. There's many
reasons for that, habit being one of them, and the fact that the
lightweight UI also works well on embedded devices (e.g. when you're
ssh'd into a machine). Personally, I also just love having a command
line for pretty much everything. I'm still trying to find a really good
UI for gdb that gives me both the command line, and good editor
integration. cgdb isn't bad, but not quite what I'd prefer.
But I digress. There's a bajillitude of tools on Linux, and you can pick
whatever you prefer.


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