When I said “is it like selective fading” you wrote “That.” What does “That.” 

>No way 24 MHz are going to be flat in frequency domain

Does that mean that the transmitted result will not be smooth in a waterfall, 
but have high power and low power areas? I would expect a wideband SDR like the 
bladeRF to be uneven over its frequency range. At least this is Phase-Shift 
Keying and not QAM, since QAM depends on amplitude.

My project uses an x16 chip rate, because the base rate is exactly 1.5 
Msymbols/sec with FEC and Reed-Solomon. That makes exactly 24 MHz which fits 
nicely in the 26-MHz-wide 900 MHz ISM band.

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Marcus Müller
Sent: ‎Wednesday‎, ‎March‎ ‎16‎, ‎2016 ‎10‎:‎34‎ ‎AM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org

Hi Henry,

On 16.03.2016 15:24, Henry Barton wrote:

Wow, thanks for the comprehensive reply. You covered a lot of material and I 
like how simple you make it.
Did I? I pretty much went ahead and threw assumptions at you like "hey, that's 
a dot product, and you'll know how to deal with that" :)

>"amont of similarity between the RX signal shifted in time by 𝜏 and the right 
>spreading sequence". Look for the peak. That's your timing offset.

I guess that means if I have an x16 chip rate, I try applying the spreading 
code to the RX signal at different symbol shifts. So I might have a buffer of 
received symbols and shift it 1 symbol each time as I try the spreading code on 
it, then see which produces the strongest result?
Pretty much! You can also oversample to get a more fine-tuned result. 

>still "pretty" orthogonal when out of sync

I hadn't even considered that. So turning on your transmitter by chance at just 
the right time can make your orthogonal code ruin others' signals?
Nah, spreading codes used usually are pretty good, but yes, there's compromises 
to be made when your code can't be infinitely long but you want to have a lot 
of users etc.

>frequency-selective channels

What's that? Is it like selective fading?

I don't need high throughput; my project aims to transmit 2.064 Mbit/sec in a 
24 MHz channel in the 900 MHz band.
No way 24 MHz are going to be flat in frequency domain :)

I use QPSK/4QAM because it has 1/2 the bandwidth of BPSK while still being much 
more error-resistant than high-order QAM.
Sounds like a good choice; so 2.064 Mb/s/(2b/S) = 1.032 MS/s, so I guess you're 
aiming for a spreading factor > 10?


To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
From: marcus.muel...@ettus.com
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 14:03:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Lock onto QPSK signal

Hi Henry,

Interesting questions!

On 16.03.2016 03:48, Henry Barton wrote:

Hi, does anyone know of any good tutorials that explain how to lock onto the 
clock of a QPSK signal and/or correlate? I know this is all very simple in 
GNUradio, but I hope someone knows of a website or, preferably, a video series 
that will explain this.
Have you read the GNU Radio Guided Tutorials[1]? Chapter 7 (you should really 
read 1-5 before) deals with PSK reception and timing recovery.
A video series? Hm; to be honest, that does sound like you want to attend a 
full course on the basics and some lectures on advanced methods of digital 
communications. I do think there's some good lecture recordings out there[2], 
but inherently, they are pretty sequential, so although you'll learn a lot, 
you'd still have to have the perseverance to spend quite some hours till you 
come to the point of clock sync for CDMA.

Personally: I'm not very much of a "I learn from videos" person. I do like the 
kind of introduction where someone stands in front and derives the methods and 
formulas "live" on a blackboard, but somehow, my concentration suffers when 
watching a video while mentally (and sometimes, on paper) take notes, at least 
for complex mathematical stuff. I'd rather go and loan a book from a local 
library. I think Sklar's Digital Communications would be the go-to ressource on 
CDMA clock sync.


If I have 10 different QPSK users, spreaded and on the same frequency, that 
would make CDMA. 
Assuming these 10 users used sufficiently orthogonal spreading sequences!

Assuming no manufacturing tolerance or frequency drift, all the clocks on the 
transmitters would be perfectly the same.
aside from a phase offset

What I’m trying to understand is:


1.       No two separate transmitters can ever be perfectly in sync. Even if 
the clocks were 100% accurate, User 1 might start his transmitter at 10:00:00 
AM while User 2 starts his at 10:00:00.250 AM. The signals would be a little 
out of sync with each other. How would I pick one out in DSP?
OK, what I describe in the following is somewhat like a 
textbook/naive/classical approach; in practice, devices are smarter.

Well, in CDMA, if you build the dot product of your received signal and User 
A's spreading sequency, you'll get a large magnitude as a result, if the signal 
actually contains A's TX. On the other hand, the spreading sequences of A and 
any other user are orthogonal, i.e. the dot product is zero. Assuming 
interference is linear (i.e. RX signal after channel(signal from A + signal 
from B) = RX signal after channel(signal from A) + RX signal after 
channel(signal from B)), and assuming the spreading sequences were chosen that 
they are not only perfectly orthogonal when in sync, but still "pretty" 
orthogonal when out of sync, this works reasonably well. That's a property that 
a few known spreading sequences fulfill.

Knowing that the "other" users' signals won't interfere with the result much, 
you just correlate your RX signal (that you think might contain User A's 
signal) with User A's spreading sequence. That'll give you a function 
describing "amont of similarity between the RX signal shifted in time by 𝜏 and 
the right spreading sequence". Look for the peak. That's your timing offset.

Note that correlation means "take signal A and multiply point wise with signal 
B, sum up, note down, then shift first signal a bit and repeat", which is 
"(<A[𝜏:𝜏+length(B)],B>), 𝜏=[0, N)" in DSP if you want so, and obviously has 
length(B)*N multiplications and summations – not an overly fun thing to do in 
real-time (N will roughly be length(B)). Hence, fast correlation based on 
multiplying in frequency domain (signal->FFT->multiplication->FFT) is often 

2.       I’ve heard of “clock recovery”, which implies to me that you “look” at 
a signal to find its clock, but surely you must have at least a very close idea 
of the desired clock before you can begin, right?
Well, yes. If you don't know the clock offset at all, you wouldn't know how 
much bandwidth to observe, and then you couldn't select a suitable sampling 
rate etc.
Often, sync procedures have multiple steps, e.g. a rough frequency estimation 
(done by something like "let's look where there's a ca X Hz wide occupied piece 
of spectrum and find its center"), a fine frequency control and timing recovery.
For CDMA, you can rely on the symbol-duration periodicity of the 

If you had 3 different CDMA signals  but different chip rates, they could 
probably coexist nicely, but how would you pick out the faster signal or the 
slower one? (see picture)
If your chip rates are actually somehow fixedly related and you can make sure 
that the different chips still are mutually orthogonal, yes.
In practice, the CDMA orthogonality breaks down for "bad" combinations 
especially for frequency-selective channels (which is probably one of the 
central reasons why CDMA was abandoned after 3G and DSSS was only used in 
IEEE802.11b – you can't apply it easily to wide channels, because they tend to 
be frequency-selective, and you need those wide bandwidths for higher data 

Best regards,
[1] https://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Guided_Tutorials

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