Keep in mind the automated build service of! For those
who don't know how it works:
It is connected to the github repo and rebuilds after each new commit
the needed images (or layers) automatically.
As well, it would be possible to build automatically images for each
release of gnuradio using different tags (and the 'latest' tag for the
current head).

This would allow developers to alter the official image with their
specific programs (e.g., OOTs) with the commit function of docker and
push the image back on using their own account. Then,
everyone could test their application without thinking about
dependencies or sth else (and this on linux, mac and windows!).

E.g., you have a demo application running at the lab in university or
for clients at a company. Just spawn the container from the image you
have done before and you can be sure it's running fine.

I think that docker is really convenient (and it is super popular atm!).


On 04/08/2016 05:21 PM, Johnathan Corgan wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 6:12 AM, Ben Hilburn <
> <>> wrote:
>     It seems like Docker could make it much easier for us to support a
>     variety of operating systems - although the user would still need to
>     install Docker, itself. Presumably that's easier than earlier
>     containerized models, though (e.g., VMs).
> I've been doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work with GNU Radio and
> docker recently, mostly to beef up our automated test infrastructure.
> There are a number of different use cases that overlap.  One is testing,
> as mentioned.  Another is "full installation of all GNU Radio, dev
> tools, and related items to do complete application development."  Yet a
> third is "minimal set of packages needed to execute a given GNU Radio
> application."
> I'm working out a stratification of layers that build on one another,
> starting with an OS base layer, one adding minimal runtime packages,
> then adding minimum build time packages, then a full development layer.
> I caution, though, the containers are not the answer to everything, and
> it's at least questionable whether providing a full dev environment as a
> container is useful to beginners.  There's enough work required
> "outside" the container (permissions, volumes, device mappings,
> networking config) that the user will still need to understand the
> internals of Docker before becoming productive.
> That said, I'm very interested in feedback on what the community feels
> is useful vs. my own perceptions.
> -Johnathan

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