On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 7:44 AM, Yan Huang <eexy...@nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m using Message Strobe to control UHD: USRP Source to receive signal
> with specified frequency(2.4GHz), but I find flow graph start running
> before Message Strobe set the frequency as 2.4 GHz.
> Message Strobe -> UHD: USRP Source ->File Sink
> So I want to use stream tag to know the time of first item with 2.4GHz. I
> think I can change File Sink to File Meta Sink to receive the ‘rx_time’
> stored in ‘tag_sense1.hdr’ file(attached), and I use the existing program
> called ‘gr_read_file_metadata’ to read out the header information, but it
> comes out an error:
> File "tag_sense1.hdr", line 1
> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xb5' in file tag_sense1.hdr on line 2,
> but no encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html
> for details
> I have checked the link, but I don’t understand what’s the encoding
> information of the python source file. Do need to add # -*- coding:
> <encoding name> -*- to the source file?
> I problems are:
> 1.       How can I read the’ .hdr’ file?
> 2.       Am I right to use file meta sink to get the start receiving time?
> 3.       Do I need to add stream tag and then read it out using other
> blocks in this scenario?
> Any advice will be appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Yan


Have you fully read over the description of the metadata files and how to
use them in the manual?


Specifically, since you have a .hdr file, you've set this into Detached
mode. You'll need to use the -D flag to indicate that to

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