Hi Derek,

Sorry - just another quick addition. When I run the Tx flowgraph, I get
this error:

Board 0 May not be getting a PPS signal! No PPS detected within the time

This definitely tells me something is wrong with the Octoclock-G setup.

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Pavan Yedavalli <psy2...@columbia.edu>

> Hi Derek,
> I am trying to do (3), as you noted above, and my test to see whether the
> Tx USRPs are transmitting at the same time is to directly connect them to
> the Rx USRP and plot the real components of each one and see whether they
> are in phase (or at least with some constant random offset). In theory, I
> believe this is a good test to see that the Octoclock-G is working its
> magic.
> The setup:
> *Octoclock*: Two of the three boards (Master Tx USRP and 1 Rx USRP) are
> connected to the Octoclock-G (one cable each from PPS out to PPS in, and
> one cable each from 10 MHz out to Ref in, so 4 total cables). The primary
> ref knob is set to Internal, and the PPS blinks green, while Internal,
> Status, and Power are all steady greens. I do *not* have the ethernet of
> the Octoclock connected, however. When I connected it to my Gb Ethernet
> switch, the indicator was orange, while all the other working ones are
> green, so I decided not to connect it for now. Does this matter?
> *Tx side*: I have both Tx USRPs connected to each other via the MIMO
> cable, and one of them is connected to the Octoclock, as mentioned above.
> In tx_mimo_setup_octoclock.png, we can see that I have two USRP sinks
> connected via MIMO cable, and one of them has time and clock set to
> External, and the other has time and clock set to MIMO cable. Both have
> sync set to Unknown PPS.
> *Between Tx and Rx*: I have an SMA cable from one Tx USRP connected to a
> 20 dB attenuator, and then connected to the Tx/Rx port of the Rx USRP. I
> have another SMA cable from the other Tx USRP connected to a 20 dB
> attenuator, and then connected to the Rx2 port of the Rx USRP. No antennas
> are connected.
> *Rx side*: In receiver_recvng_on_both_ports.png, we can see that I have a
> USRP source with two channels. The time and clock are set to External, and
> the sync is set to Unknown PPS. I run this, but I get the following error:
> RuntimeError: LookupError: IndexError: multi_usrp: RX channel 1 out of
> range for configured RX frontends
> I tried looking up what this error is, and apparently there was a fix in a
> branch years ago, but I'm assuming I have that fix already? I have a
> feeling something is wrong with the Octoclock setup that is causing this,
> but I'm not sure. I believe the setup I mentioned above makes sense, right?
> Obviously, I will look into timed commands in UHD and tags in GNU Radio
> after I get all of this set up and working. Thank you so much again for the
> help.
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Derek Kozel <derek.ko...@ettus.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Pavan,
>> This is a USRP/UHD question really so I'm including the usrp-users
>> mailing list. If you're not already the list already then you should
>> certainly join as that's a better resource for questions about UHD/USRPs.
>> 1) Any SMA cable will work. For the best performance their electrical
>> lengths should be the same. In practice this usually means equal physical
>> lengths of the same type of coax. This ensures that the signals arrive at
>> the same time (and phase).
>> 2) Most radio systems don't have GPS timebases available and use various
>> protocol level methods for aligning their clocks, if needed. In a very
>> simple system the receiver could simply listen continuously until it
>> receives a full message, then transmits a response if needed. Look up Time
>> Division Multiplexing and Frequency Division Multiplexing. This is an area
>> where there are nearly as many possibilities as there are radio systems.
>> 3) Once you connect all the Octoclock signals then in GNU Radio you can
>> select the Clock and Time sources to be External and the Sync to be Unknown
>> PPS. Your pair of units connected via a MIMO cable are special, the master
>> should have the External time and clock sources, the companion USRP should
>> have MIMO selected for time and clock. The Sync should still be Unknown PPS.
>> Here's a page that talks about synchronization of USRPs. Read this, get
>> your hardware all setup, and try setting up a basic GRC flowgraph with your
>> three radios. Think of what tests you could use to verify that both your
>> MIMO cabled radios are transmitting at the same time. You should look into
>> timed commands in UHD and tags in GNU Radio.
>> http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_sync.html
>> https://www.ettus.com/content/files/kb/mimo_and_sync_with_usrp_updated.pdf
>> If this is your first use of USRPs and GNU Radio then I'd suggest reading
>> through the tutorials available online and not get too focused on MIMO
>> until you feel comfortable with the basics of the environment and tools
>> that you have.
>> http://gnuradio.org/redmine/projects/gnuradio/wiki/Guided_Tutorials
>> Once you've given this a try let us know if you have additional questions.
>> Regards,
>> Derek
>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:27 PM, Pavan Yedavalli <psy2...@columbia.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Derek,
>>> Thanks for getting back to me. So, I do have an Octoclock, so I think
>>> we're getting somewhere and this is starting to make more sense. A few
>>> follow up questions:
>>> 1.) Do I need special cables to connect all of the units to the
>>> Octoclock, or are they robust SMA cables?
>>> 2.) I feel like this seems particularly involved to send a signal from a
>>> transmitter to a receiver. I am assuming most non-MIMO, non-beamforming
>>> related tasks have always used your second option of using the GPSDO kits?
>>> I purchased an Octoclock knowing I would do MIMO experiments, but obviously
>>> I'm guessing more conventional communication techniques (like a simple BPSK
>>> or QPSK between tx and rx) would have probably used the GPSDO kits?
>>> 3.) Once I connect them all to the Octoclock, then I don't need to a
>>> protocol level time synchronization, right? Once they're all synchronized
>>> and I see that in the plots, then I guess the next step would be to figure
>>> out how to implement my actual feedback loop. At that point, then I would
>>> need to figure out how to do burst mode to transmit and receiver timed
>>> signals? Would this end up needing to be one flow graph or would I have to
>>> use two flow graphs? (One for to and one for rx, the way I am doing it now)
>>> Thank you again for all the help. I think I'm starting to understand
>>> what I need in the setup.
>>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Derek Kozel <derek.ko...@ettus.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Pavan,
>>>> I think we both are starting to understand the setup and the problem.
>>>> Here are the two hardware solutions:
>>>> Connect a shared 1PPS signal to *both* the master USRP of your MIMO
>>>> cabled pair and to the receiver (For example using an octoclock:
>>>> https://www.ettus.com/product/details/OctoClock-G)
>>>> OR
>>>> Connect GPS referenced 1PPS signals to both the master USRP of your
>>>> MIMO cabled pair and the receiver (For example using two of the GPSDO kits:
>>>> https://www.ettus.com/product/details/GPSDO-KIT)
>>>> There are many ways of implementing a protocol level time
>>>> synchronization in software/DSP. The paper I linked to talks about one way,
>>>> there are certainly others. I do not know of any example projects
>>>> implementing them though so you would have to develop your own.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Derek
>>>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 8:04 AM, Pavan Yedavalli <psy2...@columbia.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Derek,
>>>>> I'll answer your questions in-line, because I think what you are
>>>>> saying is beginning to make me understand what I need:
>>>>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Derek Kozel <derek.ko...@ettus.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Pavan,
>>>>>> Are you trying to create a shared timebase between the two USRPs
>>>>>> without having a shared 1PPS or GPS reference? You are still not using
>>>>>> enough detail for us to understand fully.
>>>>> To clarify, my setup is two USRPs connected via MIMO cable, and then
>>>>> another USRP acting as a receiver. So are you asking whether I'm trying to
>>>>> create a shared timebase between the two-USRP *unit* (because they
>>>>> are MIMO cabled) and the receiving USRP without having a shared 1 PPS or
>>>>> GPS reference? I think my answer to that must be yes, because I have not
>>>>> done anything else but connect them to the computer via ethernet and just
>>>>> have two of them connected via MIMO cable and the other one by itself. I'm
>>>>> assuming I need to have a shared reference between the transmit USRPs and
>>>>> the receive USRP, so how would I be able to do that? This could certainly
>>>>> be one of my problems.
>>>>>> In Figure 5 both USRPs are connected with a MIMO cable and so have
>>>>>> both shared frequency and time bases. What is your weight block doing to
>>>>>> the sample stream? Is it a time delay block? I don't know what gnuradio
>>>>>> would do if you specified 10*sample_rate as the delay there as that's
>>>>>> likely to be a very large number of samples.
>>>>> My weight block is applying a normalized magnitude phase correction to
>>>>> each antenna's transmitted signal, so, yes, it is essentially creating a
>>>>> time delay. Each weight is a complex value with magnitude 1 and a
>>>>> calculated phase. You are saying this could be a problem if it's
>>>>> calculating a value that is too high?
>>>>>> If you have both USRPs connected with a time synchronization (shared
>>>>>> 1PPS, GPSDO, or MIMO cable) and have your flowgraph configured correctly,
>>>>>> then you can just use timed commands to the USRP_alpha to start
>>>>>> transmitting at time X and USRP_beta to start receiving at time X and you
>>>>>> will see your signal. You can then move to using burst mode using tags to
>>>>>> define the number of samples to send/receive along with timed commands to
>>>>>> send/receive bursts of samples. This works because the clocks in both 
>>>>>> USRPs
>>>>>> will be aligned to each other.
>>>>> I feel like there are two steps here. First, I need to get the
>>>>> transmitting USRPs (which are conneced via MIMO cable) to time sync to 
>>>>> each
>>>>> other (which I believe I have done through using USRP sink in GRC and
>>>>> setting the second channels time and clock to MIMO cable?), and second, I
>>>>> need to get the receive USRP to receive at the same time. So, just as
>>>>> above, I need to get my receive USRP to be on the same time as my transmit
>>>>> USRPs? Once I'm able to do that, then I can do burst mode to transmit and
>>>>> receive timed signals, as you are mentioning?
>>>>>> If you do *NOT* have a shared time source for each radio, for
>>>>>> instance they are far apart and do not have GPS references, then you need
>>>>>> to do some sort of protocol level alignment to create a shared
>>>>>> understanding of time between them. A frequently used method is for
>>>>>> USRP_alpha to transmit a beacon with a known period (say once every 10
>>>>>> seconds). All other USRPs then receive for longer than 10 seconds to be
>>>>>> guaranteed to receive the beacon (assuming they're within range of the
>>>>>> transmission). When the receiving USRPs detect the incoming beacon they
>>>>>> align their local time to the master (Beacon transmitting) USRP.
>>>>> I guess a similar question to the above: can I have a shared time
>>>>> source between the transmit USRPs (which are already MIMO cabled to each
>>>>> other) and the receive USRP? It seems like that would be easier to do than
>>>>> going through this protocol level alignment, but maybe it's not possible
>>>>> given my setup.
>>>>>> Here's a quick paper talking about this topic. The technique is
>>>>>> widely used.
>>>>>> http://www.ece.uah.edu/~milenka/docs/dc_ssst05_synch.pdf
>>>>>> I hope this helps and is applicable to your need. If you have more
>>>>>> questions please try drawing your desired system and maybe include a
>>>>>> timeline of events that you expect the radios to do. Attaching your
>>>>>> existing flowgraphs, either as photos using GRC's screen capture feature
>>>>>> (file>screen capture) or the actual GRC file, also helps us understand 
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> exactly you are working with.
>>>>> I had to take down the setup because I am moving labs, but I will send
>>>>> some flowgraphs and the diagram of the system next week. Thank you again
>>>>> for being so patient and trying to help me. I think I'm just a bit lost on
>>>>> a few of the simple things, but once those are figured out, then I think 
>>>>> it
>>>>> should be smoother sailing.
>>>>>> Derek
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 4:05 PM, Pavan Yedavalli <
>>>>>> psy2...@columbia.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>>> I guess I have a few questions:
>>>>>>> 1.) Are there any examples in the gnuradio codebase/flowgraph
>>>>>>> repository that show how to do synchronized feedback between two USRPs? 
>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>> other words, I send a signal from a transmit USRP, and then I receive 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> signal at the receive USRP, and then I send back something else from the
>>>>>>> receive USRP back to the transmit USRP, and this would be a sequential
>>>>>>> process in which they are aligned and know when to transmit and/or 
>>>>>>> receive?
>>>>>>> I saw a post
>>>>>>> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28710869/how-to-set-usrp-transmitting-time-and-receiving-time-in-gnu-radio>
>>>>>>>  that
>>>>>>> I think would be relevant, but I'm not sure how to apply it.
>>>>>>> I believe this should be a pretty standard scenario in which you
>>>>>>> want to have two USRPs communicate with each other synchronously. I 
>>>>>>> guess
>>>>>>> I'm just having trouble finding an example of how to do this.
>>>>>>> 2.) Related to the above question, maybe there are no examples to do
>>>>>>> feedback in one flowgraph, so what I have been doing is the following 
>>>>>>> in my
>>>>>>> flowgraphs:
>>>>>>> Flowgraph A:
>>>>>>> The synchronized MIMO flowgraph (Figure 5) from this
>>>>>>> <https://www.ettus.com/content/files/kb/mimo_and_sync_with_usrp.pdf>,
>>>>>>> so essentially I have two USRPs synchronized and transmitting out two
>>>>>>> signals that should be offset but frequency aligned. In my own 
>>>>>>> flowgraph's
>>>>>>> main(), instead of applying a "phase shift" block, I am applying my own
>>>>>>> "weights" block to both transmissions.
>>>>>>> So, I am now sending a signal that has those weights applied to it.
>>>>>>> So, after I do tb.start(), then I sleep for 10 seconds (by doing 
>>>>>>> sleep(10))
>>>>>>> hoping that in the 10 seconds my receiver will catch the signal that I'm
>>>>>>> transmitting and put it into file.
>>>>>>> Flowgraph B:
>>>>>>> My own receiver.py in which I have a USRP sink->FFT->Complex to
>>>>>>> Mag->File sink. I also have a connection from FFT->QT GUI to see a plot 
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> what is being captured.
>>>>>>> I now run Flowgraph A in one terminal and Flowgraph B in another
>>>>>>> terminal. I need to capture A's transmission with the first weights 
>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>> the 10 seconds (as it's sleeping) into the file sink. Then, A will send 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> signal with another set of weights applied, and I will need to capture 
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> in the next 10 seconds, and so on. My problem is that I'm often 
>>>>>>> capturing
>>>>>>> noise because my receive was not aligned with when I was transmitting my
>>>>>>> desired signal. So, I end up only capturing noise after the transmission
>>>>>>> stops as opposed to the actual signal when the transmission is 
>>>>>>> happening.
>>>>>>> Essentially, I am trying to mimic feedback by doing the above, but I
>>>>>>> don't know how to align my transmitter and receiver, especially because
>>>>>>> they are two different blocks. Is there a way to make both the 
>>>>>>> transmission
>>>>>>> and reception one block so that I can do sleep(rx_time +
>>>>>>> n_samples_since_tag/sampling_rate) (I think this could be right?) as
>>>>>>> opposed to my static sleep(10) and pray for the best?
>>>>>>> Would it be helpful at all if I showed you my code? I still feel
>>>>>>> like I'm not being clear. Sorry about that. If there were any examples,
>>>>>>> then I think that would be the best for me to look at.
>>>>>>> Thanks for any help again.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Pavan
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>>>>>>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
>>>>>>> Discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Pavan
>>> --
>>> Pavan
>>> --
>>> Pavan
> --
> Pavan

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