On 05/11/2016 03:09 PM, Federico Larroca wrote:
Hello everyone,
We are on the stage of optimizing our project (gr-isdbt). One of the most consuming blocks is OFDM synchronization, and in particular the equalization phase. This is simply the division between the input signal and the estimated channel gains (two modestly big arrays of ~5000 complexes for each OFDM symbol). Until now, this was performed by a for loop, so my plan was to change it for a volk function. However, there is no complex division in VOLK. So I've done a rather indirect operation using the property that a/b = a*conj(b)/|b|^2, resulting in six lines of code (a multiply conjugate, a magnitude squared, a deinterleave, a couple of float divisions and an interleave). Obviously the performance gain (measured with the Performance Monitor) is marginal (to be optimistic)... Does anyone has a better idea? Implementing a new kernel is simply out of my knowledge scope.

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VOLK does have a floating-point pow operator, so first raise your divisors to -1.0, then multiply?

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