Hi Martin,

first of all: thanks for jumping through all these hoops to push PyBOMBS!

So, trying to make things (especially recipe fixes etc) easier to test
for me, I've built myself a small set of script to log in to a set of
VMs, install pip & git there, install pybombs in the vm, adding a test
user, getting pyBOMBS and then install a package of my choice.
That all's built atop of ansible and I hope the stuff one needs to do to
test this on one's own VMs is documented well enough:


I can only second the call for people to look at building thrift 0.9.3,
especially on something that's not Ubuntu. As it is now, I really can't
find a way to do so on CentOS7, and that's one of the platforms I'd
really love to support.


On 16.05.2016 22:31, Martin Braun wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> there's been a lot of movement on PyBOMBS since the 2.0.1 release, and
> I'd like to release 2.1.0 soon. However, there's a bunch of problems
> that need resolving first, and I'm running out of ideas to find and
> reproduce them.
> My prime test case is the following pybombs command:
> $ pybombs prefix init ~/path/to/prefix -R gnuradio-default
> (Note you will need the most current PyBOMBS and gr-recipes to run this).
> Going forward, this should become the default way to install GNU Radio.
> It will create a prefix in ~/path/to/prefix, and then install GNU Radio,
> gr-osmosdr and a whole bunch of dependencies. (Note this will take some
> time and occupy over 5 Gigabytes once complete). It will also install
> system-wide dependencies (e.g. Boost, CMake, SWIG) if necessary.
> However, it sometimes fails. I would like to get this build step super
> robust on most popular distros/OSes. Here's the things I've run into:
> - Python3/2 issues. I *think* they're mostly resolved. Any errors
> referring to encoding are most likely due to incomplete 2/3
> compatibility code, though.
> - thrift failing to build. I think this is an issue with libtool and/or
> pkg-config versions. We recently reverted a change to minimum pkg-config
> versions, because I wasn't happy with every single prefix having to run
> their own version of those tools. Anyhow, thrift is flagged 'optional'
> in this command. But I'd like to know exactly what is required for
> thrift to build correctly.
> - libosmo-dsp sometimes fails with an error during ./configure. Then
> again, sometimes it doesn't. I'm currently baffled by this one.
> So, anyone reading this -- please run this command and see if/how it
> fails for you (hopefully, it doesn't). I just ran it on my 14.04 system
> and it worked fine; but I've also run it on other 14.04 systems and seen
> it fail.
> Thanks!
> Martin
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