ha! uhd.tune_request (and others, like sensor_value) python objects have
a __nonzero__ method, which is inherently used for conversion to bool,
if present. And guess what: they return False.
Wondering where they come from.


On 22.05.2016 18:02, Marcus Müller wrote:
> Well, the python semantics, at least as I understand them, dictate
> that "not objectname" is True if objectname is of NoneType, or if
> objectname is actually False, or evaluates to something that is False
> (i.e. 0).
> A valid object "should be".
> Checking it against the typical swigged GNU Radio objects:
> $from gnuradio import blocks, uhd
> $vs = blocks_vector_sink_b()
> $f = uhd.tune_request(10)
> $bool(vs)
> True
> $bool(f)
> False
> That's non-uniform behaviour, and it surprises me!
> I'll have to meditate about this.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 22.05.2016 17:51, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users wrote:
>> On 05/22/2016 11:46 AM, Marcus Müller via USRP-users wrote:
>>> Hm, interesting. I shouldn't have thought so, but: /something's/
>>> strange, and for some reason, perfectly valid uhd.tune_request
>>> objects evaluate to False in this case.
>>> So: since there's hardly any case that you can mis-construct a tune
>>> request (any frequency that is numerical should be fine, even
>>> negative numbers), I'd say: drop your "if not tx_center_freq" clause
>>> and just check whether the properties of the uhd.tune_result that
>>> tx.set_center_freq() return match your expectation.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcus
>> What are the boolean semantics of a structured data type like a
>> tune_request_t ?  It's not immediately clear to me that there is a
>> mapping
>>   in boolean for such structured data types.
>>> On 22.05.2016 17:32, Elvis Angelaccio via USRP-users wrote:
>>>> Hi, can someone explain me why `uhd.tune_request` always returns 0 in
>>>> the following Python code?
>>>> I'm running this on Linux with a USRP1 attached via USB.
>>>> The USRP has two 900 MHz daughterboards and two antennas attached to
>>>> TX/RX ports.
>>>> Gnuradio version =
>>>> UHD version = 3.9.3
>>>> ### CODE Snippet ####
>>>> d = uhd.find_devices(uhd.device_addr(args.address_args))
>>>> if d:
>>>>     print 'Available UHD devices: ' + str(d)
>>>> try:
>>>>     uhd_type = d[0].get('type')
>>>> except IndexError:
>>>>     print 'Fatal error. Did you connect the USRP to an USB port?'
>>>>     sys.exit(1)
>>>> serial = d[0].get('serial')
>>>> tx = uhd.usrp_sink(
>>>>     device_addr='serial=' + serial,
>>>>     stream_args=uhd.stream_args(
>>>>         'fc32',
>>>>         channels=range(1)
>>>>     )
>>>> )
>>>> tx_center_freq = uhd.tune_request(freq)
>>>> if not tx_center_freq:   # <===== Always happening.
>>>>     print 'Could not set TX freq'
>>>>     sys.exit(1)
>>>> tx.set_center_freq(tx_center_freq)
>>>> ...
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Elvis
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