Marcus, thank you for all the suggestions.  This is a great group.  Yes for
development I do not need the Zedboard, but for my experimental system I
need this to interface with my receiver circuitry.  And yes it turned out
to be a software/OS system issue which I fixed.

I was able to figure out the frequency counter, thanks for the suggestions
about the implementation.

A last issue I am facing and wondering if there is anything that can be
done is that my carrier frequency of my transmitter is drifting by ca. +/-
3 MHz (0.07%),(this is a separate issue I will deal with).  However for
now, this is causing me to have to re adjust the LO receiver frequency on
my GNUradio script when I no longer see the received pulses, in order to
re-"find" the carrier frequency.  My RX bandwidth is set to 20MHz (I tried
higher too) so I am unsure why a +/- 3MHz would drift the signal out of
range.  I am simply taking Complex-to-Mag on the received signal.

My question is, is there anyway in GNURadio that I can automatically find
the center frequency peak and update the LO frequency while the program is
running so I don't lose the signal?  Or, implement a wider receive

Per your last comment, the RFComm block is here:

On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Marcus Müller <>

> Hi Rob,
> >When I boot my system, I get the below error.  When I try to log out from
> the Applications Menu, I get the error below that.  Any suggestions wold be
> great as I am stuck at the moment.
> to be brutally honest: you don't need a zedboard to run GNU Radio to
> prototype this kind of thing: Just grab anything that contains GNU Radio
> and runs on your development PC; for example, the GNU Radio live DVD. I'm
> very sorry, but this looks like there's some OS/environment specific
> problem with what you're running on the Zedboard, and the discuss-gnuradio
> mailing list might really not be overly helpful with that.
> >  It seems the script is not receiving/time-stamping the incoming signal
> correctly.  I think it may be in the way I am configuring the FMComms2
> block to take in my data but I am not sure. In the below plots, the
> frequency counter is showing around 2.5kHz, but my modulating frequency on
> my transmitter is set to 49.94k
> Hm, the main thing here is that you of course need to scale the length of
> the moving average and its scale factor according to your actual sampling
> rate. There's nothing in my flow graph that would react to any time stamps:
> It only sees a sequence of numbers and assumes you used the right sampling
> rate in calculating these settings. Otherwise, you'll get something that is
> off by some factor. So make sure the RFComm source is really running at the
> 320kSps you configured it to. And, of course, get rid of the throttle block
> – a throttle block does nothing but slow down the amount of samples
> processed per second, and should never be used in a flow graph that
> contains an actual hardware sink/source. Generally, in this kind of DSP,
> there's no "additional" info like sample times or rates attached to samples
> – they're nothing but numbers in a very long row of numbers
> When you look at your time signal plot, you'll notice a little more than
> about 7.5 signal periods in what is displayed as 3ms – which would be 2kHz,
> not the 49.9kHz you claim. So, I'd look into that; if you don't use the
> same LO to generate the tone, however, then a frequency offset of ca 47kHz
> at a center frequency of 4.2514 GHz is about 11ppm – that's not an overly
> great value for a frequency accuracy, but would still be in the league of
> possible things (as we know nothing on what lurks below the RFComm3 block
> so far ;) ).
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 17.05.2016 18:44, Rob Croce wrote:
> Marcus, sorry I have not responded to your suggestions but I have issues
> with my system, maybe the experts here can provide some guidance.  GNURadio
> fails to open so I cannot run my tests.
> When I boot my system, I get the below error.  When I try to log out from
> the Applications Menu, I get the error below that.  Any suggestions wold be
> great as I am stuck at the moment.
> I am running GNURadio on the Zedboard with the ADI FMComms3.
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:26 AM, Marcus Müller <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> hope I didn't come on too cross yesterday; of course, the frequency
>> counting method works just as well, if you know your edges are sharp and
>> you can pinpoint a certain threshold.
>> I come from a very SDR-y background myself, and so I always presume your
>> signal quality will need significant rework until you can just measure the
>> distance between two rising edges. And instead of doing that, I'd just look
>> for the peak in the FFT (or do a parametric frequency estimation, or
>> something else – more often than not, the optimum way either depends
>> heavily on the model of your signal, or it's not even easy to find one
>> optimal method, because many methods work).
>> That being said: You could implement your own frequency counter. In fact,
>> doing so can be extremely simple:
>> You could simply count the number of edges during e.g. one moving average
>> period.
>> The idea would then be to convert your edges to single-sample impulses;
>> to do that, I'd high-pass your input signal; in fact, a filter that just
>> subtracts the last sample from the current one (taps=1,-1) will do just
>> fine for sharp edges (use an optimized (=bandpass?) filter and/or a schmitt
>> trigger (the Threshold block acts like on) before that filter if your
>> signal doesn't work like that ).
>> Since we only care about rising edges, let's cut off all the negative
>> edges by using a Threshold block, and then sum everything up using the
>> "moving average" block (which I think we should rename to "running sum"):
>> Best regards,
>> Marcus
>> On 13.05.2016 14:37, Rob Croce wrote:
>> Thank you for the suggestions.  I do in fact come from a very analog
>> background, I have implemented many frequency counters in micro's, so I am
>> thinking in this way.  I will try the suggestions on FFT/frequency sinks.
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Marcus Müller <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> By the way, I can barely decipher your screenshot. I strongly recommend
>>> using the screenshot functionality of your operating system instead of
>>> using a camera to digitize the analog lightwaves that were generated from a
>>> screen that converted the digital picture to light...
>>> that being said, I don't really understand your question
>>> The time between rise and fall is known since it is plotting it on the
>>> time axis,
>>> So: What is the very definition of "frequency"? Right, it's the rate at
>>> which a periodic thing happens.
>>> so you measure the time distance between two rising edges, and do
>>> 1/that, and instantly have the frequency.
>>> That's a very "analog measurement device" or "cycle counting" way of
>>> doing this.
>>> oscilloscope calculates and displays a frequency number.
>>> Hm. What do *you* think the oscilloscope does?
>>> Dan's recommendation was absolutely on-spot. Use a spectrum/fft sink. If
>>> you don't understand what "spectrum" is, read a bit wikipedia :) That's
>>> really the easiest way I could think of.
>>> Other than that, read up on autocorrelation, and how to calculate it in
>>> a DSP system.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marcus
>>> On 12.05.2016 22:38, Rob Croce wrote:
>>> OK thanks.  I just need to display a number for the frequency of the
>>> pulses.  The time between rise and fall is known since it is plotting it on
>>> the time axis, so I am wondering if there is anyway I can extract frequency
>>> that way.  Similar to frequency counting on a micro, or how an oscilloscope
>>> calculates and displays a frequency number.
>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Dan CaJacob < <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I would need more details about what you're trying to accomplish, but
>>>> my first reaction would be to attach an FFT GUI sink.
>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:26 PM Rob Croce < <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all.  I have transient pulses that I am displaying using the
>>>>> transient plot, and I am wondering how I can display the frequency of the
>>>>> pulses.  The duty cycle is similar for all pulses, just the frequency is
>>>>> varying.  Is there a simple way to do this?
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>>>> Very Respectfully,
>>>> Dan CaJacob
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