Hi all,

I want to use Code::Blocks to editing my GNU Radio modules following this link:

I have generated a Code::Blocks project with CMake, but after I build the 
project, when run it, there is a pop up information: It seems that this project 
has not been built yet.Do you want to build it now?

I can run hello_world in my Code::Blocks, So maybe its not the problem about 
CB. I want to know is:

  *   what's the problem about this?
  *   How can I add input_items in the project  in CB?  Can I add a input 
vector from the main function in swig_doc_tag.cpp or swig_swig_tag.cpp?

I try this just want to now how to debug my module when I cannot get the right 
result. Thanks in advance for any reply.

Kind regards,

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