Hello Richard,

The Python "API" is a minimal wrapper of the C++ API. You can call nearly
every function of the multi_usrp class on a USRP sink or source object in
Python. The function names are altered slightly because it makes no sense
to call, for instance, set_rx_freq, on a USRP sink.

Here is the declaration of the set_center_freq function for the USRP source

    ::uhd::tune_result_t set_center_freq(const ::uhd::tune_request_t
tune_request, size_t chan);

This is converted to a call to set_rx_freq in the gr-uhd implementation.

Your program, and most others, are calling the function set_center_freq
function with a frequency (number of herz) and no channel number. The
frequency is automatically converted to a tune_request using the
constructor which takes just a double. The default channel is 0 if one is
not given.

    virtual tune_result_t uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::set_rx_freq(const
tune_request_t & tune_request, size_t chan = 0)

To use your tune request with use it instead of a frequency in a call to

self.usrp = uhd.usrp_sink(device_addr=options.args,


tr = uhd.tune_request(901e6, 1e3)



On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:13 PM, Richard Bell <richard.be...@gmail.com>

> Martin,
> If I create a USRP object
> self.usrp = uhd.usrp_sink(device_addr=options.args,
> stream_args=uhd.stream_args('fc32'))
> and initialize the USRP center frequency to 900e6
> self.usrp.set_center_freq(900e6)
> and then do
> tr = uhd.tune_request(901e6, 1e3)
> followed by
> uhd.usrp_sink.get_center_freq()
> it returns the original center freq of 900e6. My question is what is the
> tune_request doing?
> Rich
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Richard Bell <richard.be...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I can call the C++ functions from Python? Why is there a separate python
>> API, I'm confused.
>> Lets say I set an initial center frequency of 900 MHz to start the script
>> off. You're saying that if the next frequency I want to hop to is within
>> the ADC sampling rate, which in my case for the N210 is 100 MHz, I should
>> manually tell the USRP to set the DSP_FREQ and leave the RF_FREQ alone for
>> the fastest hop, and that the USRP automatic settings are not smart enough
>> to figure this out?
>> If the above is true, it seems I should do something like this:
>> 1) Ask the USRP what the current RF_FREQ is
>> 2) Find the difference between RF_FREQ and the new center freq
>> 3) If the difference is greater then 100 MHz, change the RF Freq,
>> otherwise change the DSP freq
>> Is this correct?
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 4:03 PM, Martin Braun <martin.br...@ettus.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Richard,
>>> "use DSP tuning when possible" is not a valid policy.
>>> In Python:
>>> from gnuradio import uhd
>>> rf_freq = 900e6
>>> dsp_freq = 1e3
>>> TR = uhd.tune_request(rf_freq, dsp_freq)
>>> # Oh look it worked:
>>> print TR.rf_freq_policy == uhd.tune_request.POLICY_MANUAL
>>> So, in a nutshell, rf_freq and dsp_freq are used depending on the
>>> respective policies, but there's no 'figure out smart tunes based on
>>> state' policy.
>>> -- M
>>> On 06/13/2016 03:49 PM, Richard Bell wrote:
>>> > Derek,
>>> >
>>> > that manual is the C++ API. How would I format the tune policy
>>> > information in python? It's not clear to me looking at the C++ API and
>>> > the Python API for the set_center_freq python function. Could you give
>>> > an example of how you would call
>>> >
>>> > C++: http://files.ettus.com/manual/structuhd_1_1tune__request__t.html
>>> > Python:
>>> >
>>> http://www.gnuradio.org/doc/sphinx/uhd_blocks.html#gnuradio.uhd.usrp_sink
>>> >
>>> > set_center_freq(center_freq, <USE_DSP_TUNING_WHEN_POSSIBLE>)
>>> >
>>> > What goes in place of the careted argument?
>>> >
>>> > Rich
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Derek Kozel <derek.ko...@ettus.com
>>> > <mailto:derek.ko...@ettus.com>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >     Hi Rich,
>>> >
>>> >     You can create and pass a tune_request_t into the set frequency
>>> call
>>> >     of a USRP object. This gives you control of how it tunes. By
>>> default
>>> >     it does not optimize for speed to my knowledge.
>>> >     http://files.ettus.com/manual/structuhd_1_1tune__request__t.html
>>> >
>>> >     Depending on what USRP you are using there are self calibration
>>> >     thresholds which will cause a retune to incur a delay when tuning
>>> >     outside of a certain range. On the B200 for instance this range is
>>> >     100MHz.
>>> >
>>> >     Regards,
>>> >     Derek
>>> >
>>> >     On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 3:05 PM, Richard Bell
>>> >     <richard.be...@gmail.com <mailto:richard.be...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >         I am using set_center_freq(center_freq) in my python script to
>>> >         retune my USRP to various center frequencies. Does this command
>>> >         use the smartest retune technique to get to the new frequency?
>>> >
>>> >         For example, if I want to retune from 900.000 MHz to 900.001
>>> MHz
>>> >         ( a 1 kHz change), will it use DSP tuning instead of RF tuning
>>> >         for speed? Is there a way to control this through python?
>>> >
>>> >         In my testing, it seems the retune time is constant whether I
>>> >         make a 1 GHz hop, a 3 MHz hop or a 1 kHz hop, which makes me
>>> >         think I'm overlooking something.
>>> >
>>> >         Thanks,
>>> >         Rich
>>> >
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>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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