
Is there a way to load preset default parameters in a block.  For example, I 
have a channel model block that takes several parameters, such as the doppler 
spread, path delays, path gains, doppler spectrum, etc., and I want to have 
presets that will auto-populate the parameters in the GRC block for pre-defined 
channel models.  I can make a drop-down menu that has the pre-defined channel 
models, but I don't know how to change the values that populate in the other 
parameters.  I would like to do this using the xml file.  Is there a way to put 
a conditional parameter in the <value> tags that would depend on the setting in 
the drop down menu (It seems conditionals can be used in the <hide> and 
<import> tags, but not inside the <value> tags)?  Is there a way to do it using 
the <opt> tags?  Is there a list of valid options and what they do anywhere?  
It seems the <opt> val:XXX <\opt> tags might do it, but I can't seem to get any 
of them to work.

Although I could pass in a preset parameter to the C++ function and simply 
override everything coming from the GUI, I'd rather have it populate the 
parameters in the block, but still let them be changed.  This way, if someone 
wanted to load the settings for a "Channel X" preset, except with a different 
Doppler spread, it could be done easily.

Note this is a similar problem as posted here:
 but it doesn't appear the previous question was ever answered.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Mark Arlinghaus
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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