See the thread :

"The AttributeError problem now that I have modified a working OOT"

My guess is that you encountered something similar.

So the SWIG process went fine and without any error, but if the .so
that was generated from your C++ code can't be loaded because of
undefined symbols, then the ImportError will be silently caught
(because in OOT that are pure python, that error is expected and there
isn't really any easy way to know in advance) and so you end up with a
empty module.

There isn't much that can be done at build time unfortunately because
some of the conditions that can prevent the .so from loading are
runtime issues.

Now what can you do :
 * You can remove that try catch in the if you know your
module is not python only. Then you'll get an ImportError with some
detailled error
 * You can make sure that when building your C++ code you don't have
_any_ "Warning" from the compiler. This will catch a lot of the
missing symbols errors that are typo and things like that. But it
won't catch all of them (like if you include the header but forget to
actually link to the library).



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