
I have used USRP N210 with CBX40 at 1.18GHz

I got a low performance when two USRP N210 communicate

I used 'benchmark_tx.py' and 'benchmark_rx.py' located at

Commands I used are below each other :

Tx) ./benchmark_tx -f 1.18G -m qpsk --tx-gain=31.5 -W 2500000
Rx) ./benchmark_rx -f 1.18G -m qpsk -W 2500000
(other options are default : packet size = 400, fft = 512, occupied toens =
200, etc.)

And I counted how many packets are received at Rx machine

Then I calculated throughput on Rx during 60 sec with below equation :

Throughput[bps] = (# of total packet - # of error packet) * 8 * 400 / 60

I derived about 1 Mbps at Rx and I think it is too poor

Am I something missing ?

So, I ask USRP N210 users to try that and tell me how about yours.

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