Hi Ellie,

you'd have to recompile GNU Radio to use a different version of QWT – I
don't know how you've installed your current version, so this might be
more or less complicated.

I'll try to build a quick Ubuntu 16.04 container with GNU Radio from the
Ubuntu package sources to see whether things work better there (because
in that case, upgrading from 15.10 to 16.04 is what I'd recommend –
especially since 16.04 is a LTS release)

Best regards,

On 10.07.2016 14:54, Ellie White wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> Thanks very much for the advice! I tried what you suggested ("stop",
> "start", "autoscale", etc) but the time raster is stubbornly refusing to
> work. I am beginning to think, like you said, that it may have something to
> do with the QWT version installed.  So I am trying to upgrade to version 6
> but I am getting confused because once I installed version 6.1.4 of QWT it
> saved to my 'Home' folder so GNU Radio is still detecting version 5. Do you
> have any tips on how I could get it to use QWT 6? (I tried searching the web
> for instructions/hints but have yet to turn up anything useful!) Thank you
> so much!
> -Ellie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus Müller [mailto:marcus.muel...@ettus.com] 
> Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2016 9:21 AM
> To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org; orionnebul...@outlook.com
> Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Time Raster- Linux
> Hi Ellie,
> not a silly question at all! And, first of all: Welcome to the GNU Radio
> community!
> With 32kS/s, it's taking quite some time to build up something visible,
> "pushing" out the solid yellow, but for me, this works (see screenshot
> attached).
> So, this actually does sound like a bug, but I can't really put my finger on
> where things might go wrong. A couple of ideas to try, sorted by
> desperation:
> * middle mouse button on time raster canvas, "stop", middle mouse, "start"
> * middle mouse button -> autoscale
> * mmb -> save image (& inspect image)
> If none of that helps, my best guess is that this might have something to do
> with the QWT version used – but as I've never saw that problem "in the
> wild", that would surprise me a bit. Then again, the Time Raster Sink is not
> the most popular (yet, one of the most helpful, I think) signal
> visualization sink – so maybe this simply never came up.
> Actually, the warning that the visualization window nearly hides reads:
>  std::cerr << "Warning: QWT5 has been found which has serious performance
> issues with raster plots."
> and so, maybe the performance issue is so severe that you simply see
> nothing.
> Best regards,
> Marcus
> On 07.07.2016 03:26, Ellie White wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I am a new GNU Radio user and I have a question about the QT GUI Time 
>> Raster sink in GNU Radio version 3.7.8.  I built a flowgraph (which is 
>> attached as a .grc file) with a source connected to both a QT GUI Time 
>> Sink and Time Raster. While the Time Sink displays the signal 
>> properly, the Time Raster is blank and shows no signal, as shown in 
>> the screen shot I included. I have tried to use the Time Raster tool 
>> on Ubuntu - version 15.10 (it is a virtual machine running in 
>> Windows), and cannot figure out why the time raster doesn’t appear to 
>> display a signal. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a known 
>> issue?  Thanks very much for your time and apologies if this is a 
>> silly question.
>> -Ellie
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