Same fix for the zeromq errors.

sudo apt-get install python-zmq

BTW, the detailed error log is in gnuradio/build/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log


On 08/16/2016 12:31 AM, Johannes Demel wrote:
Hi all,

for clarification. Scipy is an optional dependency. Thus, the tests might fail. All polar tests import 'polar.channel_construction', which imports 'polar.channel_construction_awgn', which in turn uses 'scipy.optimize.fsolve' and 'scipy.special.erfc'. When I wrote this peace of code, I thought about replacing it, but it's quite a lot of work to emulate 'fsolve'.
As far as I know, the issue was resolved by installing scipy.

I don't know about ZeroMQ though!


On 16.08.2016 00:40, Ron Economos wrote:
I believe the polar encoder and decoder tests need scipy to run.

sudo apt-get install python-scipy


On 08/15/2016 06:15 AM, Ali The GREAT! wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have installed  uhd_3_11_0 and gnuradio_3_7_10_1.
Everything seems OK but these failed qa tests:

1 qa_polar_encoder
2 qa_polar_encoder_systematic
3 qa_polar_decoder_sc
4 qa_polar_decoder_sc_list
5 qa_polar_decoder_sc_systematic
6 qa_zeromq_pub
7 qa_zeromq_pubsub
8 qa_zeromq_pushpull

I'm using debian 8.4 and KDE.

Thanks in advance!

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