What about an RFNoC solution?

@(^.^)@ Ed
Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 26, 2016, at 7:16 PM, Sylvain Munaut <246...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> It seems like a perfect fit for a poly phase filter - however this is
>> something that I believe needs to be done in hardware (128 channels *
>> 200khz = about 60mhz sample rate this will not go over a USB cable, and
>> I doubt I can get this bandwidth into a laptop PC.
> !?!?
> 128 channels of 200 kHz = 25.6 MHz of bandwidth. You can totally get
> that to a laptop.
> B2xx or BladeRF will do that without issues given a sufficiently good laptop.
> Even a hackRF with USB2 only can nearly do it ( 20 MHz ).
> If the transmission are "infrequent" you can even use the same trick
> that researchers used a while back to listen to all of bluetooth and
> deliberately alias the signal to fold the spectrum over itself.
>>    Am I going to have to do FPGA work on my own?
> Very likely.
>>    Or - is there some existing cook book solution with the FPGA
>> configuration pre-cooked?
> Very unlikely to find something "all done".
> Especially that if you don't want to ship the samples, a PFB is not
> all you need. You'd need demod for each channel in the hardware as
> well.
>> What I am looking for is the FPGA channelizer solution... hopefully an
>> existing one I could start with?
> There is an embryon of one in the ettus rfnoc repo and AFAIK they
> might also replace it with another version soon.
> But it's written for RFNoC and Series-7 Xilinx fpga. It'll need quite
> some adaptation to run on anything else.
> Also, AFAIU, it's incomplete and non-tested currently so ... YMMV.
> Cheers,
>    Sylvain
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