On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 12:10 PM, Sebastian Müller <gse...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I’m a bit confused about the constellation blocks that are going to
> replace the deprecated specific modulation blocks.
> In previous examples, we used
> [Signal]->[Packet Encoder]->[Mod Block]->[Channel]->[Demod Block]->[Packet
> Decoder]->[Sink].
> Now, I’ve tried to replace this chain with non-deprecated blocks. First,
> I’m wondering why I can choose differential encoding in the „Constellation
> Object“ block as well as in the „Constellation Modulator“ block. What
> happens if I only select it in one of them? Also, there is no way to select
> differential encoding in the „Constellation Decoder“, but AFAIK the
> receiver must know if differential encoding is used. How is this correctly
> intended?
> Second, I’m wondering what is going to replace the deprecated „Packet
> Encoder“. Theoretically, we need an encoding to transfer the infinite input
> alphabet (float) to a finite output alphabet (int8). I’ve not found a block
> that handles this task. Any ideas on how to replace the signal chain above
> is appreciated!
> Best,
> Sebastian


Good questions. The differential issue should be looked into and addressed.
It's possible that the definition of the constellations could be simplified
or cleaned up quite a bit to make it easier to use.

As for the packet encoder, that's a very static way of defining a packet.
Take a look at this page to see the new concepts using the packet formatter
and parser concept:


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