
After a few failures, I’ve been able to build gnuradio from source using 
pybombs on a Mac. But I ran into a some issues that I’m hoping someone can 
share their wisdom on.

In no particular order:

1) gr-dtv and gr-atsc fail trying to link to libgsl. 

The libraries are installed, but there doesn’t seem to be any relevant path 
information on the link command line. I suspect this is a cmake configuration 
error, but I’m still finding my way around cmake and haven’t yet even been able 
to see where the cmake configuration requires gsl for those modules. 

I had to temporarily exclude gr-dtv and gr-atsc by adding the following to 
config_opt in the gnuradio.lwr recipe file:


2) On a successful build, gnuradio-companion crashed miserably because 
everything was not linked to the same python interpreter. Adding specific path 
definitions to the recipe fixed that problem. 


I can see where this is a mac specific issue because with ports we end up with 
competing python interpreters (the one supplied with the system, and the one 
used by ports in /opt). Perhaps there’s a solution in cmake or a conditional 
configuration directive might be a useful enhancement to pybombs.

3) Thrift failed to build because it wanted to link to a static version of some 
boost libraries. But the default port install of boost doesn’t include the 
static version of its libraries. So I had to pre-install boost with the 
“-no_static” option. Again, this is a Mac specific thing. But a conditional 
directive in pybombs recipes might also help here.

Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.


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