Seems like you got it. I'm writing here analysis and fixing steps for
future generations.

   1. Reproduce the problem by running 'python -c "from gnuradio import gr'
   - that should crash and print the error
   2. Running "which python" should show the python binary used, most
   probably /usr/bin/python
   3. 'port list | grep "lang/python"' will show the installed MacPort
   Python versions.
   4. Assuming your default Python is 2.7 ("python -V" to verify),  "port
   contents python27 | grep bin/python" will show the binaries installed by
   that Python 2.7 port, which will probably be /opt/local/bin/python2.7
   (which symlinks
   5. *Running '/opt/local/bin/python2.7 -c "from gnuradio import gr"'
   works as expected*
   6. So it's possible to work with GNU Radio as long as you use the
   correct Python binary. In my case, the PATH environment variable did have
   /opt/local/bin before /usr/local/bin, but MacPorts doesn't create a
   "python" symlink, so it can be fixed by either using "python2.7" (which
   exists in /opt/local/bin and will be used before the system's binary) or by
   creating a symlink with "ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.7
   /usr/local/bin/python". After symlinking, 'python -c "from gnuradio import
   gr' works as expected.

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 6:44 PM Michael Dickens <michael.dick...@ettus.com>

> Hi Gilad - IIRC this error means that Python installs are being mixed
> between linking and runtime. For example, linking against the macOS
> provided Python and then trying to use MacPorts' Python for runtime
> execution. If this statement doesn't help, email me off-list & we'll work
> through your issue. - MLD
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2016, at 11:10 AM, Gilad Beeri (ApolloShield) wrote:
> The Python statement "from gnuradio import gr" crashes the Python process
> with "Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread" (mac OS
> 10.12.1, GNU Radio using Mac Ports, full log is attached).
> I tried following the cleanup process detailed in
> https://github.com/metacollin/homebrew-gnuradio/issues/47,
> which caused me to remove the GR modules foo, baz and ieee802_11, such
> that in a 2nd execution of that script it doesn't find anything.
> Tried reinstalling GNU Radio with "sudo port -f uninstall gnuradio; sudo
> port -t install gnuradio" but still no luck.
> Email had 1 attachment:
>    - gnuradio_python_exception.txt
>      24k (text/plain)
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