I would recommend taking a look at gr-radar, which might be doing what
you're looking for.

-- M

On 12/08/2016 10:53 AM, Daniel Estévez wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a stream of complex samples
> x_{11}, x_{12}, ..., x_{1N}, x_{21}, x_{22}, ...., x_{2N}, ...., x_{M1},
> x_{M2}, ..., x_{MN}.
> What I want to do is to compute the FFT's of
> x_{11}, x_{21}, ..., x_{M1}
> x_{12}, x_{22}, ..., x_{M2}
> .
> .
> .
> x_{1N}, x_{2N}, ..., x_{MN}
> To achieve this, I can deinterleave my stream into N streams, and then
> for each of these N streams put a vector to stream block with M items
> and an M point FFT, followed by an interleave of the N streams.
> However, there must surely be a more intelligent way to do the same
> thing with fewer blocks, probably using vectors, but I don't know how to
> do it.
> The intended application of this is Pulse-Doppler processing:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-Doppler_signal_processing#Filtering
> A similar procedure is done when interleaving data packets, to prevent
> burst errors from corrupting adjacent bytes. Surely someone has needed
> to do this operation before.
> Best regards,
> Dani.
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