Hi all -

Happy New Year! Last year was a great year for the GNU Radio project, and I
think 2017 is going to be even better. We got a lot of key infrastructure
work done in 2016 (and I'm not talking about just code), and as a result we
are very well situated to knock out our goals over the next year.

Johnathan and I will be sharing more details over the next couple of weeks
about both on-going and new efforts, as well as sharing some general
updates about a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff that we finished up late
last year. I do have a few items to share now, though:

*FOSDEM & DARPA Hackfest Reminder*
The schedule has been set for the SDR Dev Room at FOSDEM `17, and it's a
great lineup. If you can make it, let us know that you'll be there so we
know to look for you! I also want to acknowledge the organizers of the dev
room, whom are well-known GNU Radio developers: Martin Braun, Philip
Balister, and Sylvain Munaut.

   - FOSDEM 2017: https://fosdem.org/2017/
   - SDR Dev Room:

Also, don't forget that Tom Rondeau (former lead of the GNU Radio project,
now a DARPA PM), is running a DARPA-sponsored hackfest for the three days
leading up to FOSDEM. I'm really excited to see how GNU Radio is used by
the participants, and hope to see you there!

   - DARPA Hackfest:

*Call for Blog Posts*
We closed out 2016 with some great posts on the GNU Radio blog, and I would
like to keep the trend going. The GNU Radio website gets between 800-1000
unique hits on most weekdays, so it's a great venue for sharing your work
and ideas. If you're interested in writing up something, please let me know!

   - GNU Radio blog: http://gnuradio.org/blog/

*Reminder for January Call*
The GNU Radio Project call is on January 19th! Mark your calendars.

   - http://gnuradio.org/events/

*Get Involved!*
One of the topics that came up a couple of times at GRCon16 was that it can
be hard to know where to start if you want to contribute back to the
project. While there is some documentation about this on the Redmine site,
we are working on putting together new, more comprehensive, content. Until
that's ready, if you want to get involved and aren't sure how, just let me
know! We welcome anyone who wants to contribute, and you don't need to be
an expert to make a big impact.

It's a great time for the project, I'm really looking forward to the coming
year. As usual, please reach out to me if you have any questions,
suggestions, or good jokes, and keep an eye out for more updates soon!

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