Well, since SWIG just wraps the C++ API into Python, it isn’t really required. 
The bigger issue to me is essentially a pybombs feature request. It would be 
nice if you could clearly see which GR modules are enabled/disabled, or force 
Pybombs to quit if certain dependencies aren’t met to build a particular module.

This happens all the time in SDR builds since people need many different 
configurations. The user should be able to specify required GR modules in the 
recipe somehow, or at least have a verbose information statement about that 
module not having dependencies met.

> On Feb 8, 2017, at 9:36 AM, Jason Matusiak <ja...@gardettoengineering.com> 
> wrote:
> I can verify that the one guy was using 14.04.  The other guy also was 
> mucking with 16.04 and got it working, but I can't say with 100% that he 
> didn't install other packages while fuming at pybombs.
> I can see saying that it is a pybombs issue, but you say that swig it is a 
> pre-req, that would be fine.  On the other hand, it is a little odd that 
> pybombs is willing to say that everything installed fine when it obviously 
> didn't.
> On 02/08/2017 09:02 AM, Garver, Paul W wrote:
>> I just saw this too a few days ago on Ubuntu (14.04/15.04, can’t remember). 
>> It appears to me that although GR builds, it builds without any Python 
>> support because SWIG isn’t found / installed. I don’t think this is a 
>> documentation issue - it’s a Pybombs issue.
>> PWG
>>> On Feb 8, 2017, at 8:52 AM, Jason Matusiak <ja...@gardettoengineering.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Two different coworkers recently mentioned to me that on fresh Ubuntu 
>>> machines, they were having trouble getting GR to install via pybombs.  It 
>>> was the case (which I've seen before) where it acts like it installed, but 
>>> source setup_env.sh doesn't source the gnuradio-companion binary.  If you 
>>> run the binary directly, a window pops up complaining about Python paths.
>>> The fix for both of them seemed to be wiping everything out and installing 
>>> swig (one of them figured this out by installing with the -vv option and 
>>> looking at the output).  Then when they installed GR everything seemed to 
>>> be happy.
>>> So i just wanted to mention that you may need to add that to your 
>>> requirements in your documentation.
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