Hi Ben,
Regarding HTML-based GUI of GRC: Actually both the ideas are slightly different.
As far as I think, the idea added by Sebastian was basically opening HTML view
at run-time. So, output would be based on HTML view. All the panels and plots
will be based on HTML.
On the other hand, my idea was to use a full-fledged HTML based GRC. Draw a
flowgraph on HTML canvas, upon running, it will initiate a process on server,
and the response data will be a response from the server which will be shown on
So, actually both are different. I also contacted Sebastian, and he suggested
that both ideas can be there. But the full-fledged HTML based gnuradio will be
too long for a 3 month project.Now when I think about it, I think the first
phase of full-fledged HTML based gnuradio can be the one suggested by Sebastian.
So, that's fine if it's combined for now. I just wanted to clarify both ideas.
Also, thank you very much for your interest in mentorship for statistical

Regards,Kartik Patel  

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 8:22 PM, Ben Hilburn bhilb...@gnuradio.org  wrote:
Hi Kartik -
Thanks for getting involved! There actually already was an HTML-based GRC on the
ideas list, so I combined the new one you created with the existing one. I also
made some minor edits to your Stastical Toolbox idea, and added my name as a
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 5:31 AM, Kartik Patel <kartikpatel1...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Hello everyone,
The two of the ideas (1. statistical toolbox, 2. HTML based GRC) have been added
in the GSoC Idea wiki page.
Please review it and suggest any updates onwiki.
Thank you.
Regards,Kartik Patel  

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 8:24 PM, Marcus Müller marcus.muel...@ettus.com  wrote:
Hi Kartik,

ha! Sorry for mixing this up. Yes, in that case, you'd be the GSoC participant,
not the mentor :)

I've pinged the right people. Hopefully we can get your account going.

Best regards,


On 02/06/2017 08:55 PM, Kartik Patel wrote:
Hi Marcus,  
I was interested in implementing this myself. Sorry for not clarifying. It would
be my first time contributing a whole new feature to GNU Radio. I believe, the
mentoring should be from someone who is more frequent contributor? If someone is
interested in being the mentor to the project, it would be great.  
I can add to wiki, but I don't have account on redmine. It is waiting to be
approved from Admin for a long time.  
Regards,  Kartik Patel  

On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 1:19 AM, Marcus Müller marcus.muel...@ettus.com  wrote:
Hi Kartik,

sorry, we've all been pretty busy over the Weekend – FOSDEM and stuff.

So, I personally think this is a pretty great idea that you should definitely
put on the GNU Radio wiki page for GSoC ideas – if someone has a great idea how
to improve what you're proposing, it's a wiki for a reason – so frankly, go for
it. Notice that it'd be awesome if you putting this on the page also meant that
you'd agree to at least partially mentor the student that picks that topic!


On 02/06/2017 08:26 PM, Kartik Patel wrote:
Hello all,  
Any discussion over statistical toolbox?  
Thank you.  
Regards,  Kartik Patel  

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 1:32 AM, Kartik Patel kartikpatel1...@gmail.com  wrote:
Hi Marcus,  
Sorry for replying late. I was travelling.  
My point is we can have a statistical module for GNU Radio. Although Scipy has
extensive library available, we can have it's wrappers for GNU Radio. We can use
those wrappers in GRC. Basically, all major statistical analysis can be done at
GRC level instead of going to the python/c++ backend.  
There are some fundamental statistical tools (can be extended with suggestions
from community): 1. generation of RV, 2. various distributions and distribution
fitting, 3. regressions 4. hypothesis testing (including non-parametric testing
which basically check whether current samples matches a particular distribution
or not) 5. parameter estimations. We will need various distributions/functions
from Scipy.  
So, consider a scenario where we have a block of "random variable generators"
which will get input from a block called "distribution" which will specify the
distribution as well as it's parameters. There can be another block for
"distribution fitting". Which will take two inputs: vector of samples and input
from "distribution" block. Consider a hypothesis testing scenario: Get a input
vector: Provide a condition of testing (like energy of vector should be greater
than some value).  Consider a testing mechanism where we test whether a sample
vector is taken from a distribution or not (aka non-parametric goodness-of-fit
based testing): It may take input from a "distribution block" and set of
samples. and based on value of some "false alarm probability", it will give the
We can try to make these testing completely generic. Like, you can write whole
equation in textbox in GRC (may be. need to see how can we do it). It's similar
to some blocks in Simulink (not sure exactly which one, but I remember those).  
Note1: the "distribution" block will provide a distribution object. It may work
internally, or externally. That's debatable.  Note2: This is a idea. We can
discuss on various implementation approaches once the scope of project etc are
Regards,  Kartik Patel  

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 11:51 PM, Marcus Müller marcus.muel...@ettus.com  wrote:
Hi Kartik,

I heartily agree with you, you need a lot of random variables, but the question
is: in which shape?

Do you need the noise source to produce more different types of amplitude
distributions? Do you need those in the channel models? 

"Blocks for hypothesis testing" sounds pretty interesting. Can you flesh out
that idea a little more? In my head, I'm not sure what a hypothesis  is here.

Best regards,


On 01/26/2017 05:24 PM, Kartik Patel wrote:
Hi Martin,  
Till now, based on my experience in communication systems, I saw extensive need
of probability and random variables. 
So, now, if we are considering GNU Radio to be a full-fledged communication
systems simulator, I think we can have wrappers of statistical analysis
functions of Scipy. We can have GRC blocks for the same. 
So, for an example, for spectrum sensing applications, instead of writing a code
with Scipy library, we can have some blocks for direct hypothesis testing.  
Regards,  Kartik Patel  

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 4:07 PM, Martin Braun martin.br...@ettus.com  wrote:
On 01/26/2017 12:07 AM, Kartik Patel wrote:

> Hi,


> I am not sure how relevant is this, but it's worth a consideration.


> Can we have a probability and statistical toolbox? It may include

> various probabilistic distributions, their random number generators,

> their PDFs and CDFs. These are very much useful in a communication

> system analysis. (Example: middleton noise etc. for simulations). Even

> adding various statistical functions like hypothesis testing,

> regressions, distribution fitting etc. can be added.

Sure, although scipy has pretty good ones already. Can you elaborate on

how this would be useful for GNU Radio specifically?

-- M


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