Hi all,

I'm pretty new to GNU Radio, I followed the tutorials and made some simple
flowgraphs to use with an USRP. Recently took a look at the gr-digital
packet communication examples.

I'm having trouble figuring out the right way to use the PDU to Tagged
Stream block. I connected a Random PDU Generator to the input of the block,
expecting a tagged stream to be produced at the output. But I must have
misunderstood something, because there is no way I can see the samples
being produced in the tagged stream of bytes. I can only see the length
tags in the output stream, but no trace of the PDU data. Not even when I
try to write the stream to a file or to stdout.

Attached is the flowgraph I'm using.


Attachment: pdu2tagstream.grc
Description: application/gnuradio-grc

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