There's the DVB-T transmitter and receiver in the Digital Television component of GNU Radio. It's capable of 31.6 Mbps in a standard 8 MHz bandwidth. (and can be used at higher bandwidths).

I have some OOT modules that allow sending IP packets over DVB. Note that these modules only implement the transmit portion and are meant to be used with commercial receivers.

One of the drawbacks is that DVB-T is a streaming protocol, so a two-way link would require a full-duplex RF system. Also, latency is pretty high due to the long frame size used in DVB-T. You can get a much lower latency with the DVB-T2 transmitter (which has adjustable frame size), but there's no companion DVB-T2 receiver in GNU Radio (you have to use a commercial DVB-T2 receiver like the PCTV 292e).


On 04/06/2017 09:52 AM, Yaşar Sinan NASIR wrote:

For OFDM transmitter and receiver, I was using benchmark_tx/rx implementations. However, I am wondering what is the best publicly available OFDM implementation for relatively high bandwidths (10s of MHz) and data rates (10s of Mbps)?


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