Unless you have a many core CPU (greater than four), the ATSC decoder usually doesn't run in real time. You have to capture an IQ stream to disk first and then demodulate it in non real-time.


On 04/19/2017 09:14 AM, Ghost Op wrote:
Hi all,

I'm having an issue getting ATSC to decode and I was hoping someone
who has done it successfully may have some pointers.

Here's the scenario.... Basic SDR antenna connected to an LNA4ALL
feeding into an Airspy sampling at 10 MSPS using the attached
flowgraph.  I get a TS file and don't get any atsc_fs_checker error
warnings while capturing, however the TS file doesn't decode with vlc,
ffmpeg, or tsreport.  All messages indicate it can't find the codec in
the stream which would explain why it can't decode the packets.

I've double-checked the local channel frequency (on HDTV ch 34 with a
center freq of 593 MHz).  The raw signal looks good as does the
waterfall for an ATSC signal.  I've tried capturing with and without
the initial low-pass filter in the attached flowgraph, I've tried
using a HackRF at 6.2 MSPS instead of the Airspy at 10 MSPS, tried a
true HDTV antenna (although it's 75 Ohm), and horizontal and vertical
polarizations on the standard SDR antenna to get the cleanest
frequency plot with the best visual SNR.

I get there can be some bad packets in any data stream, but for the
life of me I can't figure out if there's no errors coming from the
decoder and it's decoding successfullly (i.e. producing data with no
warnings) why the stream isn't readable.

Anyone have any suggestions?


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