Hi everyone, I just pushed a number of updates/fixes to github for the
OpenCL gr-clenabled project.  While working on a different OOT block I
found some variations between blocks using gr::block and
gr::sync_block so now the OpenCL blocks are using the correct base

There was also a compile issue I noticed testing on Ubuntu where the
compiler wasn't picking up the C++11 standard as the default causing
compilation to fail (worked fine on my debian so I hadn't run into
it).  So now the makefiles make sure the compiler knows what version
to use.

I'm also going to put up some NVIDIA/OpenCL notes for a few different
platforms to help folks get up and running faster.  The biggest gotcha
seems to be needing to install the OpenCL dev kit to get cl.hpp to
show up and then either linking or copying it into /usr/include/CL/.
Hopefully the notes will save folks some headaches and hours googling.

Also don't forget that gr-clenabled comes with 2 command-line tools.
'test-clenabled' can be used to time the blocks on your hardware and
you can vary the sample sizes if you want to test out some sizes I
didn't include in the study.  There's also a test-clkernel tool if you
want to write your own kernels.  It'll do the same performance
measurements so you can see how your code performs.


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