Using Opensuse 42.2

Gnuradio from repository  home:dl8fcl:branches:hamradio

i | gnuradio                          | package    | 3.7.11-10.2   |
x86_64 | home:dl8fcl:branches:hamradio

I have tried it with repository hamradio and it failed too.

When I place both blocks on a diagram (I can even play the diagram), GRC

When I open it again this is the log:

fernando@andromeda:~> gnuradio-companion
Warning: restarting the docstring loader (crashed while loading
Warning: restarting the docstring loader (crashed while loading
GtkWarning: Theme directory base/ of theme oxygen has no size field

<<< Welcome to GNU Radio Companion 3.7.11 >>>

Block paths:
Warning: restarting the docstring loader (crashed while loading
Warning: restarting the docstring loader (crashed while loading
Warning: restarting the docstring loader (crashed while loading
Warning: docstring loader crashed too often

Any help?


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