Hey Deepak,

my first idea is to reconfigure the flowgraph. You could connect and disconnect your source for the time, you want to write data in your file sink and the time you don't want to.

You can find infos about the flowgraphs operations here <https://gnuradio.org/doc/doxygen/page_operating_fg.html>.



On 15.05.2017 13:53, Deepak Gautam wrote:
Currently i am working in the USRP using GNU Radio for my masters work. In my transmitter side, i send data continuously from file source followed by UHD Sink at the rate of 25 MSPS. In receiver side, I want to write the data in every two/three seconds after receiving from receiver USRP. Meaning, write data for 1 sec (25M samples), then dont write for next 2 second and again write for 1 sec and so on. Is there any suggestion for this purpose. I look forward for the resposne

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