Hey all, just an FYI,

I don't have the time to go figure out what exactly is causing it, but if
you build from source with the log4cpp dep missing after a merged PR in
April/May(that fixed some log4cpp headers), then in certain circumstances,
you will get a segfault, due to a heap buffer overflow.

There are a few code paths that crash. If gr-iqbal is installed, it will
crash right on opening gqrx. If not it will crash when switching demod

I believe both cases a call to a destructor on at least 1 block, followed
by some kind of printed message is the culprit.

Took me a few days to find the "fix", as I thought it was related to some
new hardware I had, but then upon pulling I was able to reproduce on my
normal workstation and it went away when I installed log4cpp and recompiled
GR. Just though I'd throw this out Incase anyone else was having the issue.

I'll try to file a bug report, but ideally I would like to include more
information and I don't have time for that atm, and from what I understand
it might be OBE when 3.8 comes out as that's getting added as a required

I have not reproduced the crash in anything besides gqrx, but it seems
pretty solid that it's a bug in GR. I bet other apps that reconfigure
flowgraphs like shinysdr would trigger it as well.

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