From:   Cinaed Simson
Date:   Fri, 14 Jul 2017 00:33:27 -0700
>> On 07/12/2017 03:56 AM, HLL wrote:
> > 
> > The wavelength for 450 is 1.5 meters. I really don't know where the
> > boundary is between near field and far field - but I would guess far
> > field the other side of a full wave length.
> Opps - Andy Walls I had the numbers upside down - should have checked
> the units.
> In any case, the wave length is 2/3 of meter and not 1.5 meters.

I always mentally check against the data point: 300 MHz => 1 meter
(since c ~= 300 Mm/s).  Above that should be less than 1m; below that
should be greater than 1m.


> But then power is
> 116 dBm - you could probably use a paper clip soldered into a SMA
> connector :).

30 dBm = 1 W = 0 dBW.  IIRC.

116 dBm = 86 dBW = 10^(8.6) W = 398 MW !!!

That's the sort of power that is used for time machines in
science-fiction movies.  You might want to check that number. :)


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