I'm writing a Python block that, in general, does the following:
Input: a stream of numbers (assume integers for the sake of discussion).
Output: a stream of numbers

I made some generalizations to the real problem to simplify the question.

The block looks for sequences of positive integers and tags the max integer
in each sequence it finds.
Example (^ means a tag):

0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 7 0 4 2 5 3 8 2 4 6 3 6 4 2 7 9 3 1 0 5 0 -->
1^ 2^ 3^ 7^ 9^ 5^

The trivial implementation - in each call to (general_)work() process the
current window, fails when the scheduler cuts a sequence in the middle, for
example, there's a long sequence above, the scheduler might process it as 2
or more different calls to work(), which will end with wrong results (I'll
get more than one value). Clarification: if a call to work() gets 0 4 2 5
and then the next call gets 3 8 2 4 and then 6 3 6 4 2 7 9 3 1, the output
will be 5^ 8^ 9^ and not only 9^.

Note: The sequences can be of arbitrary lengths. I'm ok with a practical
solution that says that above some very high sequence length, the block
ignores the data or gives wrong results. I don't have practical memory
limits in my desktop (the app has several GBs it can consume in addition to
what it consumes now).

I solved the issue by implementing a check: if the last input value is
positive, this call of work() can't know for certain it is the last value
of the sequence, so return 0 (no consumption) and ask for more data (I took
this idea from peak_detector2_fb_impl.cc). The block insists on getting a
sequence that is long enough such that it has a 0 in the end. For the sake
of discussion, let's ignore the scenario that there are multiple sequences
in a single call to work().

I have several questions and issues with this solution:

   1. The only way that worked for me is using self.set_output_multiple()
   when necessary (when the block sees an unended sequence), and calling it
   again with lower values later when the sequence is ended (to improve
   latency). Since I don't know the sequence length, I keep calling
   set_output_multiple(2 * self.output_multiple()) until I get what I need.
   The question is: Why do I need the output multiple to begin with? If the
   block doesn't consume anything, and the upstream block keeps feeding it
   with data, I expect the input buffers to grow, thus the next call to work()
   should come with more items to process. Instead, I noticed it doesn't
   happen, and only an output multiple makes the scheduler provide more items
   for processing in the next call to work().
   2. At some point I get the error "sched: <block my_block (8)> is
   requesting more input data than we can provide. ninput_items_required = 74.
   max_possible_items_available = 63. If this is a filter, consider reducing
   the number of taps.". How do I increase the max_possible_items_available? I
   searched the source code but couldn't find a way that works in Python (not
   all methods are exposed to Python) that increases the input buffers so that
   max_possible_items_available (input buffer size - 1) is increased? Again, I
   can allow myself increasing the input buffer of this specific block to a
   lot more. I can also increase the input buffers application-wide, but
   really only this block needs them to be bigger.
   3. How can I handle this error at runtime without "crashing"? Ideally, I
   want to catch an exception and let the block decides it ignores the data /
   gives false results, but block_executor::run_one_iteration() goes to
   were_done thus stopping the block. In the spirit of practicality, I can
   also live with workarounds like restarting the block.

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