Hi all,

I am currently using the File Sink in GNUradio Companion by connecting a
UHD USRP source to a File sink.

By default, the UHD source block produces and output of "Complex Float 32".
The File Sink has "Complex", "Float", "Int" available as input types.

If I set the output of the UHD source as Complex Int 16, then what should
the corresponding input type be on the file sink? type "Complex" doesn't
work, I assume it's because it's expecting FC32 by default, even though
it's not explicitly stated. Type "Int" works and the flowgraph runs, I
assume this is because it is just accepting the integer values as a raw
stream and writing them to the file, while ignoring that each even and odd
sample is actually an I/Q value.

What is the correct input type to use on the File Sink when using UHD
output of Complex int16?

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